View Full Version : My new liscense code does not work???

August 24th, 2008, 07:24 AM
Help!!! Not working...

I put in the activation code for the 2 liscenses. It says they were taken successfully but then it shows no available liscences.

When I purchased the V2, I loaded my 4 previous liscenses during the V1 to V2 upgrade. Showed I had 6 total liscenses because the V2 comes with 2 when you buy it. So anyways, I had 6 with 4 used and 2 unused.
I used up the 2 that came with the upgrade, So i had none left to use. I just purchased 2 new liscenses and put in the code, you then have to put the total liscenses I will have, it shows I already have 6, so I enter 8 and it wont take.
BUT... If I enter 4 total liscenses it will take, but it shows I have no available liscenses to tune with.

HELP... what do I do, I need to tune now, and I need a liscense to work.

August 24th, 2008, 07:26 AM
Help!!! Not working...

I put in the activation code for the 2 liscenses. It says they were taken successfully but then it shows no available liscences.

When I purchased the V2, I loaded my 4 previous liscenses during the V1 to V2 upgrade. Showed I had 6 total liscenses because the V2 comes with 2 when you buy it. So anyways, I had 6 with 4 used and 2 unused.
I used up the 2 that came with the upgrade, So i had none left to use. I just purchased 2 new liscenses and put in the code, you then have to put the total liscenses I will have, it shows I already have 6, so I enter 8 and it wont take.
BUT... If I enter 4 total liscenses it will take, but it shows I have no available liscenses to tune with.

HELP... what do I do, I need to tune now, and I need a liscense to work. Says I have none available to use even though I just entered the code for my 2 new ones.

August 24th, 2008, 08:00 AM
Please send the following to support@efilive.com:

Order number for the licenses (assuming purchased from EFILive online store)
FlashScan V2 Serial Number
The Auth Code from the Authenticate tab under the licensing screen

August 24th, 2008, 08:07 AM
Might try sending Paul an email on this one... support@efilive.com