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View Full Version : LBZ Calibrations

Ultimate Diesel
August 24th, 2008, 05:15 PM

I am trying to load tunes into my LBZ and it states the tuning cal and the ecm cal do not match, also I noticed in program files/eflilive/calibrations, that LBZ is not in there?

I am running version 7.5.4 (Build 66)

Can you please advise?

Thanks Much!


August 25th, 2008, 11:44 AM
Hi Cory,

The warning you are seeing means you are trying to program a tune from an ECM Operating System that does not match what is in your truck. This can't be done.
Programming in a tune from another truck can cause issues anyway as things like the A/C type are specific to each truck. Whilst it might not break anything it will cause some oddities to occur.

Can you elaborate on the second point?, LBZ not in there? If you mean the calibration folder then no it won't be, the LBZ/LMM are in a folder called E35.
