View Full Version : Laptop performance questions

August 28th, 2008, 02:34 AM
Not sure if this really belonged in any of the other forums.

My laptop just crapped out on me for the 2nd time. Same problem as before, I can fix it with just a few hours of work. However, its old. p3-1.13g, 512ram, 32video, USB1, running xp(xtra problems, lol).

Wondering if there would be any benifits in getting a new laptop that has a better processor and usb2 ports? I mainly use it just for this program and when I go do photography for sports games, I download between games. So its not a heavy used machine.

Any benifit on this program on getting USB2 ports for efi? Will a faster processor allow me to log better?

August 28th, 2008, 03:00 AM
As far as data acquisition and PCM writes, I don't think you'd notice much of a difference. But when it comes to re-plotting your logs and other visual elements, you may realize a noticable improvement. Is it worth it? That's up to you.

August 28th, 2008, 03:33 AM
I went from a 5 year old Dell laptop about 1ghz or so and 512mb ram to a new HP laptop 2.6 ghz and 2 gig ram and it was a HUGE difference. The datalogging on my old laptop used to lag after awhile, and it would take forever to replot large log files. No issues at all anymore.

August 28th, 2008, 04:12 AM
When I replot my log files, It doesnt seem to move any faster on my desktop which is custom built and large processor. But most my logs arnt any longer then 20min or so. Is that not large enough?

I think it may benfit, but not worthy of the cost? I dont really have 1g to spend on one as I had to save up 2months to buy EFI. It would be x-mas or so before i save the money, so I might as well fix what I got and start hunting around I guess.

August 28th, 2008, 08:38 AM
It's always nice to have faster hardware.
I picked up a refurbished Dell M70 from Dell Financial Services for under $400.
It can run anything I do in my car and if it gets stolen I wont crap myself.
They have awesome deals on lease returns all the time.