View Full Version : Testing scantool build 67 -> comments/suggestions

September 3rd, 2008, 04:37 PM

I have been playing with build 67... I have a few usability comments/suggestions:


Cooling Fan #1 --> should say: Cooling Fan Low --> can it have a single Turn On/Off button...?
Cooling Fan #2 --> should say: Cooling Fan High --> can it have a single Turn On/Off button...?

PCM Control Idle Speed --> can it have a single Yes/No button...?

Fuel Injector Cyl #n Off --> can this also have the On function in the same button (i.e single Off/On button)...?

3-2 Duty Cycle --> Early 4L60E use duty cycle (as you have), Late 4L60E use On(100%)/Off(0%) state.

Can there be an additional single button for TCC Lock/Unlock which
would simultaneously enable both the TCC Enable and TCC control solenoids
(analogous to the two Shift Solenoid buttons and the 4 Hold Gear buttons)...?

The Spark Control interface seems difficult to use (or it could be me :hihi:):
the advance/retard buttons don't work intuitively (the timing does not increment/decrement);
the add/subtract buttons are hard to relate to how much is added/subtracted
(the amount is in the box, but is this the total timing or the increment amount...?).


What option settings are required for saving DTC's in a log...?

Can all the OBD-II data (DTC, FF, Summary, SRT, SMS, O2...) be saved in a log file (and viewed when viewing a log file)...?


September 3rd, 2008, 05:50 PM
Build 67 is out ?

September 4th, 2008, 12:07 AM
Build 67 is out ?

it is for him. :)
i know DTC`s and LTFT`s can be saved if selected in
the scan properties logging tab.

September 4th, 2008, 02:16 AM
it is for him. :)
i know DTC`s and LTFT`s can be saved if selected in
the scan properties logging tab.

so people have all the fun.

September 4th, 2008, 02:28 AM
See this thread: showthread.php?t=8795 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=8795)

You're not really missing anything (the 10 people who ran into this saw that thread);
Paul is going to include that one change in the next update. :rockon:

LOL... if you can call the rightclick map context menu fun... :grin:


September 4th, 2008, 02:33 AM
it is for him. :)
i know DTC`s and LTFT`s can be saved if selected in
the scan properties logging tab.Yes, that appears briefly on page 159 of the scantool pdf.

September 15th, 2008, 08:52 AM
Hi All,

I've just seen a funny thing happen in ScanTool, both build 66 and 67. Of course this may be an "undocumented feature" but I'll mention it anyway.

When viewing a saved log, I changed a number of PIDs around in the charts dash board. I knew I had a few to do, so I didn't replot after each change. after the final change, I clicked on "yes" to replot, which completed fine. However I noticed that some of the PIDs I'd changed had zero data showing. More worrying was that some of the PIDs actually showed the old PID data but were labeled with the new PID name. I also noticed that the "replot all charts" button was red, indicating that a re-plot was required.

Clicking on the "replot all charts" button fixed a number of the charts, but it remained red. I had to click on it 3 or 4 times before it indicated that no more replotting was needed. Is this meant to happen this way, or is this something we can get fixed so that all the PID's are checked and replotted if needed in the single operation?


September 15th, 2008, 09:17 AM
...some of the PIDs actually showed the old PID data but were labeled with the new PID name...

I've see this with the GEAR pid taking on TCCMODE values or vice-versa.

September 15th, 2008, 10:46 AM
Yep, it seems that repeated "replots" fixes it eventually. It's just something to be aware of till we can get a fix for it. It could be a bit nasty if the replot warning was missed and a labeled PID was showing data for a different one, especially if the data is similar in nature.

September 15th, 2008, 02:15 PM
Yes, it's strange to see GEAR say Lock and TCCMODE to say 3.