View Full Version : BB Logging - Missing Data ?

September 13th, 2008, 05:54 AM
I logged Idle PIDs this morning and watched as the ECT went to 174 F on the dash and the BB V2. I then changed my PIDs and took a 10 minute drive. When I downloaded both files using EE, I was surprised to see that the ECT in the first file only went to 138 F. The second file looks long enough for the drive that I took.

I was disappointed because I was logging for RAFIG during the first log and did not get all the data that I expected.

Any ideas what might have caused this? :nixweiss:

September 14th, 2008, 07:10 AM
I had similar behavior and it was caused by my SD card. I drove for an hour and should have got some sweet AutoVE data.. but no. :(

My SD wiggles in the slot and looses connection now. It didnt before... but I think wear and tear has weakened the spring loaded contacts inside my V2. I proved it by wiggling the card and watching the display of the V2. It would read "SD" then "XX" then back to "SD". I put two little 1cm square pieces of electrical tape on the label side of the SD card and it is fixed.

Give it a try. There is another thread about the SD card fitment problem.

Good luck bro.

September 15th, 2008, 05:05 AM
Had a similar problem this weekend ... anyway, I noticed while I was still on the road that the frame counter wouldn't count up anymore ... didn't have the LEDs set to status then, so I changed that back ... of course, the rest of the drive time it worked again (without having touched the SD card, which, incidently, has not been removed since I inserted it, so there shouldn't be any wear&tear) ... "luckily", on the next part of the cruise, I once again noticed it stopped logging, shortly after starting - again, frame not counting, and no blinking LED ...
On all occasions, FS was fully responsive, I was able to scroll through the current data, which also still updated IIRC ... on the last three logs (where the middle one failed) I also had debugging enabled ...
Another thing I just noticed on checking the logged files ... I know that on the first "hung" counter was somewhere around 1000+ frames - whereas the logg file only contains 114 frames ...
On the middle of the last two loggs, I have a 2k logg file, but FS reports 11k frames ;) Anyway, I've attached the logg and efx file ...

September 15th, 2008, 07:15 AM
Three things to look out for:

1. Pressing the Ok button will pause logging while continuing to display real time data on the LCD screen. So if you accidentally press Ok you may not realize that logging is paused.

2. Disconnecting power from FlashScan without first stopping the log by pressing Cancel will cause data to be lost. It has the exact same effect as removing a disk from a disk drive (remember them?) while a PC is writing to the disk.

3. If the flash memory's FAT32 file system is damaged, then error can occur while writing to the flash memory. I recommend re-formatting the target file system (internal memory or SD card) if ever there is a data problem during logging. Obviously that will erase all log files so you should copy off any log files you want to save first.

It would be an interesting experiment to run scan disk or a similar program on your SD card if you suspect data is not being saved correctly. It may show up any faults in the FAT32 file system structure.


September 15th, 2008, 07:18 AM
Anyway, I've attached the logg and efx file ...

Hi Gary,

I can't download the attachment, can you please email me the files (paul@efilive.com), thanks Paul.

September 24th, 2008, 02:47 PM
Thanks, I received the file.

I've gone over the log file and the data looks normal and correct to me.
Has it happened again, since then?


Kevin Doe
September 25th, 2008, 12:36 AM
Three things to look out for:

1. Pressing the Ok button will pause logging while continuing to display real time data on the LCD screen. So if you accidentally press Ok you may not realize that logging is paused.


Is there any indication if you are paused or recording? I assume if the blue light is flashing its recording, and if not its not recording.

September 25th, 2008, 08:08 AM
Is there any indication if you are paused or recording? I assume if the blue light is flashing its recording, and if not its not recording.

Yes, the green LED on the left will be illuminated when displaying and recording data (i.e. logging) and it will be flashing when displaying data but not recording (i.e. paused).

Also, as you pointed out, the blue LED will not come on while logging is paused.


September 27th, 2008, 02:41 AM
On my drive to the track next weekend I will try and see if it happens again ... have updated to the current release of the FS OS, and will be formatting the SD card just to make sure it's nothing on the card ...

October 15th, 2008, 06:59 AM
Well, having re-formated the SD, I again ran into some logging problems ... on my way to the track, it stopped logging two or three times relatively quickly (couple hundred of logged data sets), and no, it wasn't paused ... after restarting, every time, it ended up logging 2+ hours of driving flawlessly again ...
At the track, most of the BB logging worked, except for one run (which again stopped after couple dozens of data sets).

I guess I will try with a different card to rule that out ...

October 15th, 2008, 08:23 AM
Did you try what I suggested above? I got the same behavior until I "thickened" by SD card.

May 31st, 2009, 08:48 PM
Any ideas what might have caused this?

I'm missing about 25 minutes of important data when looking at the dashboard BUT the data is there when viewing my VE Map???

Data Missing

Data Not Missing


June 1st, 2009, 02:30 AM
Yes, I saw a similar thing (chart flatlined, but I didn't check my maps)...

I think that this may happen if you update the firmware and forget to format the data space.

I alerted Paul.

June 1st, 2009, 07:33 AM
Any ideas what might have caused this?

I'm missing about 25 minutes of important data when looking at the dashboard BUT the data is there when viewing my VE Map???


Based on the 49,999 displayed for the last frame number it looks like you've hit the 50,000 frame chart display limit. Increase that limit using Properties->Logging->Log Files->Frames (x1000). Try setting it to 100 which means 100,000 frames.


June 1st, 2009, 08:38 AM
All my data is back. Increasing the frame limit fixed it. :good:

thanks for the prompt replies.

Cheers :cheers:

June 1st, 2009, 01:40 PM
Look at this... flatlines from frames 6797 thru 15858 (the end).

When I look at the maps, I see a total of 15858 counts, but I can't be sure which data is real and which is flatlined.

My chart frame display limit is set to 100,000.

FlashScan LCD display was still displaying valid data ok during the capture of this log.

Earlier last week I had previously captured good BBL logs (after formatting all spaces) and everything was good.

June 1st, 2009, 03:06 PM
I don't know what to say Joe, I can't explain why that is happening.

The log file shows 15859 as the frame count, but there are only around 6800 frames in the actual file. It is as if the file has been truncated somehow.

Whether that is due to a fault in the FlashScan firmware, the FAT file system software, the SD card or the USB transfer to the PC, I do not know.

Did you transfer the log file using EFILive_Explorer? If so, can you try using an SD card reader to read the file. That will at least eliminate the USB data transfer as the culprit.

Also if possible can you run check disk (or some other FAT file system checker) on the SD card to see if the FAT file system is corrupt.


June 1st, 2009, 05:07 PM
Ok, I just realized what happened...

On the log before that one, the ign key was inadvertantly turned off (but V2 remained connected and powered up)... V2 showed the pid labels and blank data... I then stopped the log, turned ign key on and started the new log (the one posted above)... let it run for 40 minutes and then stopped it.

During all of that, V2 remained connected and powered up.

I just now reformated the data space (and promptly lost the *.dtc files).

The key is to remember to not turn off the ign key until after stopping the log.

July 22nd, 2009, 08:28 PM
Here is another similar problem I'm having whilst recording a BBL to SD.

When I start recording the time, frame count and all PID data displayed on the V2 looks good and appears to save. But, when i upload it to the computer whether it's a 10 minute log or a 2 hour log all i get is this (refer attached). No data just notes dropped each frame?

I've recently noticed that the blue light on the V2 does not flash when this fault occurs. I just stop recording then immediately start again and everything's ok for about another 6 BBL's so it's easy to work around but would be nice to know what's going on. I format regularly and have tried 2 brand new SD cards. I'll try recording to internal memory instead for a while to see if that helps.


July 22nd, 2009, 09:46 PM
The "log full of notes" problem has been noted before. Generally it's due to an existing application using a particular screen function that is incompatible with ScanTool. For example, VNC Viewer will cause this problem. The fix is to shut down applications one at a time and restart ScanTool to see which one is causing the corruption. If all else fails.... reboot.

July 22nd, 2009, 10:52 PM
thanks for the reply swingtan, good to know i'm not the only one to experience the log of notes. i think the problem is BBL/V2 related and nothing to do with ScanTool and other applications running on the laptop as every time it happens the file viewed in EFILive Explorer is only 2KB (when it should be between 2,400KB and 8,800KB for the distance traveled) and no VIN is stored.

i can close every application down one at a time, use a different computer and re-boot as many times as i like, the file will still look the same.:confused:

July 22nd, 2009, 11:19 PM
A 2KB file is about the right size for the file header ( 1024 bytes ) and the metadata only. 2KB would probably have little or no real data in there at all. I've had this once or twice and the usual reasons were....

I'd filled the SD card and there was only enough room to write the file header.
The ODBII cable connection was interrupted mid log, causing the V2 to abort writing data.
The SD card was removed from the V2 before canceling the logging operation.
The SD card suffered a connection loss during the logging process.

There have been one or 2 rare occasions where I have corrupted a file like this by turning off the ignition before stopping a log. But that was a couple of firmware revisions back and I haven't been able to replicate that. So I think it may have been an SD card issue. I've since swapped from using a 2GB card to a 32MB card and found it to be more stable. Perhaps the use of bigger cards may take up more resources and cause an issue?


July 23rd, 2009, 12:05 AM
*The ODBII cable connection was interrupted mid log, causing the V2 to abort writing data.
*The SD card suffered a connection loss during the logging process.

I've since swapped from using a 2GB card to a 32MB card and found it to be more stable. Perhaps the use of bigger cards may take up more resources and cause an issue?

I think you might be onto something there Simon. Always a wealth of information. :book:....:good:

July 23rd, 2009, 01:09 AM
Thanks, I received the file.

I've gone over the log file and the data looks normal and correct to me.
Has it happened again, since then?



these are similar type of logs I have seen. I don't think that is normal. If you look at ECT and IAT under F9 for data. I don't think 419 F is normal for the max of that value. There's a spot in the log that shows 419F. why? Look at the log below. Why near the end of the log. Data goes from 800RPM to 16K RPM and there's other data that's not correct in that area :confused:

This kind of goes along with the thread in the Beta section.

July 23rd, 2009, 09:26 AM
thanks for the reply swingtan, good to know i'm not the only one to experience the log of notes. i think the problem is BBL/V2 related and nothing to do with ScanTool and other applications running on the laptop as every time it happens the file viewed in EFILive Explorer is only 2KB (when it should be between 2,400KB and 8,800KB for the distance traveled) and no VIN is stored.

i can close every application down one at a time, use a different computer and re-boot as many times as i like, the file will still look the same.:confused:

Can you please send me some samples of the 2K log files?

July 23rd, 2009, 09:43 AM

these are similar type of logs I have seen. I don't think that is normal. If you look at ECT and IAT under F9 for data. I don't think 419 F is normal for the max of that value. There's a spot in the log that shows 419F. why? Look at the log below. Why near the end of the log. Data goes from 800RPM to 16K RPM and there's other data that's not correct in that area :confused:

This kind of goes along with the thread in the Beta section.

I can't explain what happened in that log file. The data is corrupt. I don't think it is an SD card issue or any other hardware issue because the corruption is not random and the frame integrity has been maintained. That indicates that there is a software/firmware problem somewhere - I just don't know where or why.

The is being investigated...


July 23rd, 2009, 02:49 PM
Would having 48 channels selected, cause a problem?

swingtan > logtool.pl -s BBL00303%20RPM.efi

Source file: BBL00303%20RPM.efi
Source size: 820531
Source Meta size: 2019

ChannelCount: 48
Frame size: 56

Data length: 817488

July 23rd, 2009, 07:04 PM
Can you please send me some samples of the 2K log files?

Hi Paul,

I attached one of the files in post #19 of this thread.
I never saved any other log files but I could get more within a week or 2 if required.


July 23rd, 2009, 11:33 PM
Would having 48 channels selected, cause a problem?

swingtan > logtool.pl -s BBL00303%20RPM.efi

Source file: BBL00303%20RPM.efi
Source size: 820531
Source Meta size: 2019

ChannelCount: 48
Frame size: 56

Data length: 817488

That shouldn't be??

I don't recall any problems prior to the newer A/C and F/S firmware releases.

I think it's something in the Firmware as Paul stated. The more you use BBL with A/C and F/S the more you'll start to see the problem. Some might over look the log as a fluke? But when you see a 2k log with no data and you can view F/S PID data, using internal or the SD card memory. I see it about 3% of the logs. Could be 1 in 3 or up to 1 in 16 or more.

I have 1 log that is 35.3 MB (BBL 311) no problems using the same PID as Log BBL 303.

July 24th, 2009, 11:45 AM
I'm not sure what the max channel count is for the diesels, but for the LS1 controller it's 26 and anything over that can cause random issues, from missed frames to a total lock up. I'm wondering if the random issues you are having is due to the number if channels.

I managed to get a 2K file yesterday, but that was because the car I was logging had a slightly flat battery and I tried logging the start. The cranking drew too much current and the V2 shutdown.

July 24th, 2009, 12:01 PM
If you use EFILive scan and tune to edit the Option txt file. You can only add what is allocated per controller. 42 for the ECM and 42 for the TCM for the LBZ and Alli. I have 37 of 42 for the ECM and 13 of 42 for the TCM well within the max. I also see these problems with LS1, LB7 and LBZ controllers. Using AutoCal and FlashScan.