View Full Version : E38 w/ No transmission Segments

September 13th, 2008, 12:12 PM
Picked up a new 08 CC Sierra today. Couldn't have been 2 hours before i was grabbing EFI live and the ole laptop to pull the program. A quick look into this ok and i'm left wondering where the transmission segments are. From the supported vehicles list looks like the transmission has it's own pcm possibly a P42.

Question is how do i gain access to this area?


Previous programming has been limited to 99+ Gen III and Atlas setups.

Thanks in advance, any help would be much appreciated...

September 13th, 2008, 12:57 PM
When you click on the read PCM button and the black box opens up, You have to click on the controller box and select the Transmission 4/5 speed T42 TCM :)

September 14th, 2008, 12:32 AM
When you click on the read PCM button and the black box opens up, You have to click on the controller box and select the Transmission 4/5 speed T42 TCM :)

Thanks KB! Seems a little obvious now. :angel_innocent: