View Full Version : Problem with EFILive Scan Tool V7.5.4 (Build 6)

Kevin Doe
September 18th, 2008, 12:36 AM
I am having a problem saving changes to the dash pages, in particular dashboard tab B. If I right click on the chart parameter, then click chart properties, then click on the series tab, and change the parameter plotted, and the other things like the title, and some of the other options, then click ok....the software does not recognize that I made a change, and the save icon does not become un-greyed. I have attempted to save the dashpage as a new name, but it still does not save the changes. I have attempted to save the dashboard as a new name and that does not work either. Anytime I make the changes, try to save, then close and reopen the software the changes have not been saved.

September 18th, 2008, 01:09 AM
Hi Kevin,

Do you mean build 66...?

Can you post some screenshots showing the Save button greyed out.

I pm'd tech support.

Kevin Doe
September 18th, 2008, 02:39 AM
Yes, I meant build 66. I edited the title, so it should read correct now. Thanks for PMing them for me.

September 18th, 2008, 08:31 AM
Sorry to cut into your thread but im having a recurring issue to with this build where I get

BootLoader Rejected: No Response

If I unplug both side of the V2 and try again its fine. Ive tried doing ODBI side then flash and then USB side then flash and it will fail on both. Unplug both and its fine for 1 flash. Its like the V2 needs a hard reset. I would have thought flicking from ODBII to USB or vice versa would have reset it enough.

Ive done a full reinstall of Vista and I have also installed it onto a clean XP machine with the same results. I dont feel its a driver issue.

Not the end of the world, I can work around it.


PS I should add ive tested this on a LS1 1mb PCM and a 512 LS1 PCM, havent tested it on E38 yet but I will tomorrow and see if it has the same issue

September 18th, 2008, 02:26 PM
I am having a problem saving changes to the dash pages, in particular dashboard tab B. If I right click on the chart parameter, then click chart properties, then click on the series tab, and change the parameter plotted, and the other things like the title, and some of the other options, then click ok....the software does not recognize that I made a change, and the save icon does not become un-greyed. I have attempted to save the dashpage as a new name, but it still does not save the changes. I have attempted to save the dashboard as a new name and that does not work either. Anytime I make the changes, try to save, then close and reopen the software the changes have not been saved.

The problem was part of the same issue that also caused the right-click context menu not showing up in the maps tab page.

It is fixed in the next release, which was due out 2 weeks ago but is being held up by some other non-related issues. The next release will be posted next week.

P.S. The save toolbar buttons only become enabled if you change the size or position of gauges/charts or add or remove gauges/charts in a dash page. When you change the contents of a single gauge/chart that information is saved (or should I say "supposed to be saved") when you click either the [Save] or [Ok] buttons in the gauge/chart editor dialog box.


September 18th, 2008, 02:31 PM
Sorry to cut into your thread but im having a recurring issue to with this build where I get

BootLoader Rejected: No Response

If I unplug both side of the V2 and try again its fine. Ive tried doing ODBI side then flash and then USB side then flash and it will fail on both. Unplug both and its fine for 1 flash. Its like the V2 needs a hard reset. I would have thought flicking from ODBII to USB or vice versa would have reset it enough.

Ive done a full reinstall of Vista and I have also installed it onto a clean XP machine with the same results. I dont feel its a driver issue.

Not the end of the world, I can work around it.


PS I should add ive tested this on a LS1 1mb PCM and a 512 LS1 PCM, havent tested it on E38 yet but I will tomorrow and see if it has the same issue

Are you running the latest firmware V2.05.20?

If so, try pressing Ctrl+Ok to re-initialize the CAN or VPW coms.
Or a more drastic measure, press Ctrl+Cancel to perform a reboot - saves unplugging/replugging

It is important that FlashScan "sees" the controller when it is first powered up. That means if you are connecting to a vehicle you should perform these operations in this order:
1. Turn on ignition.
2. Wait for dashboard to display/complete and system tests.
3. Connect FlashScan to the vehicle - verify that it detected and displayed the correct protocol in the lower right corner of the LCD screen. (If not, use Ctrl+Ok to retry).
4. Connect to PC.
5. Start Software on PC.

If you don't follow those steps (or its not practical to follow them) then you can press Ctrl+Ok to cause FlashScan to perform the same protocol detection that it normally does at power up.

I hope some of that info makes it s bit easier to make FlashScan behave.


September 18th, 2008, 02:38 PM
I would have thought flicking from ODBII to USB or vice versa would have reset it enough.

Based on what the engineer who designed FlashScan's power supply has told me this is how it is supposed to work:

When both USB and OBDII cables are connected:

The 12V OBDII power supply is used and the USB power supply is disconnected. This prevents any unwanted 12V being fed back into the PC/laptop's 5V USB power circuits.
Unplugging the USB will have no effect on the power supply to FlashScan.
Unplugging OBDII will cause a power cycle on FlashScan while it changes over from OBDII to USB power.

If only USB is connected and then OBDII is connected the OBDII power takes over without a power-cycle reboot.

If only OBDII is connected and then USB is connected, the USB power is not connected to FlashScan.


September 18th, 2008, 03:43 PM
Build 67