View Full Version : Techedge 3E2

September 25th, 2008, 05:00 PM
Anyone running a Techedge 3E2??

I just purchased one and I'm having some issues.

I've Emailed support but haven't received a reply yet. I have faith they will respond but it seems to take several days. (It's already been several but I still have faith)

Display- If you are running one what does your display actually display??

Mine- 3 choices-

AFR (I think)

RPM (Mine displays rpm x 2) I've tried changing the divisior but any change to the firmware with the config program creates PID unlock. Once PID unlocks I have to reload the original firmware and I'm back to normal.

0 - Not sure what channel this is suppost to be. It does not respond to USR1,2 or 3.

The reason I stated AFR(I think) is my display only shows 12.7.

The first parameter is always 12.7 on the onboard display. It seems to work with the logging software connected with USB.

Just hoping for a post from someone who has a working 3E2 Wbo2.

Thanks for any comments-
