View Full Version : Base Efficiency Numerator 1-LM-1

September 4th, 2005, 01:16 PM
Sorry Guys, I'm stuck here. I can't validate it because I don't know how to select or where to find: {GM.AFR} at position 24.

Thanks for your help, Curt

September 4th, 2005, 02:02 PM
Select "Fuel" from the System drop down list box and look for the PID "Commanded Air Fuel Ratio". To select it double click on it. You may need to unselect some other PID(s) to keep the channel count <= 24. Otherwise the logging will drop down to dynamic mode which is slower.

Note: If you ever want to search for a PID by name i.e. {GM.AFR}, then:
1. Select All in the System drop-down-list
2. Click in the column header of the "Parameter" column (the last column) to sort the PIDs into order based on the "Parameter" name.
3. Scroll down the list until you find the PID name you are looking for.


September 4th, 2005, 02:11 PM
Paul, thanks again. I looked for it under "ALL" and missed it among the other GM PIDs. I tried your tip and went right to it.

Thanks a Million, Curt