View Full Version : Innovate LM-1 Voltages.

September 4th, 2005, 01:51 PM
EFILive Scan Tool, page 101, show voltages for the LM-1 as 0V to 5V for Zero to 50 values.
I programed the LM-1 controller for 0.5V for 10 AFR and 4.5V for 18 AFR. These values from the forum were PLX numbers and used for the LM-1. I assume because the LM-1 values weren't available.

Wouldn't the new values for the LM-1 with the 0 to 50 values give more accurate readings?

BTW, for the LM-1 Analog Output, I used pin C for the white wire (EXT. AD2). Pin D for the GND. Pin E for the Red wire (EXT. AD1) to the 3 pin block on the FlashScan.
What say you.

Thanks, Curt

September 4th, 2005, 02:08 PM
By default, the LM-1 outputs 0 to 5V to represent 0-50 AFR. The LM-1 PIDs in EFILive V7.3 are configured to work that way.

However, you will normally only see AFR in the range 10-20, it makes sense to reduce the range of the AFR to increase the precision.

I recommend setting your LM-1 to something similar to the PLX where:
0V=10:1AFR and 5V=20:1AFR

Then you would of course have to use the PLX PIDs (or alter the LM-1 PIDs in sae_generic.txt to match).


September 4th, 2005, 02:15 PM
Glad you said use the PLX pids, I already had the LM-1 pids selected.

Thanks again for the quick reply, Curt