View Full Version : Internal Memory

October 15th, 2008, 04:41 AM
I remember reading in an early post from Blacky, regarding the first release of VS BBL Beta Firware, that the V2 can log to the internal memory and that you can log 4mb of data which is about 4 hours of data.

I just noticed when I switch to the internal memory based file system on my V2, and look at freespace... is says my total memory is 2727KB.

Where does the 4mb come from? Is compression used for logged data?


October 15th, 2008, 01:37 PM
There is a 4Mb flash chip in FlashScan and 8Mb in AutoCal. More memory was designed into AutoCal because it does not use an external SD card.

1024Kb is reserved for the Config file system which stores all the PID definitions (*.pmm files) and Options.txt file.
192Kb is reserved for internal firmware/data storage.
128Kb is reserved for future needs.

That leaves:
4096Kb - (1024Kb + 192Kb + 128Kb) = 2752Kb
Of that 2752Kb some is used to format the memory into the FAT file system, leaving what you see.

AutoCal reserves an extra 2Mb for storing the stock tune for the "return to stock" option. That leaves 4800Kb for data logging on AutoCal.


October 15th, 2008, 05:45 PM
Awesome. Thanks Paul.

So... a quick follow up question...

It looks like we have 2.7mb of flash memory for datalogging, if we do not use an SD card... do you have an idea of how many hours or minutes that equates to? Should be about 2.5 hours right? Or is my math way off? Thanks again.

October 15th, 2008, 06:38 PM
That's about right. With BB logging the rule of thumb is about 1 hour per megabyte.