View Full Version : So.. was a new version released this weekend?

October 20th, 2008, 03:15 AM
Oh oh, I should checked the DL page before I asked. I see it now.

Scratch that request. :) Thanks
I see posts referring to a new version, but it is hard to tell if that is 7.5.4 Build 66 or not.


October 20th, 2008, 06:14 AM
What is new in this package?

October 20th, 2008, 06:50 AM
EFILive V7.5.5 (Build 70)

New Features
· Added support for new E38, E67, T42 and T43 operating systems.
· Added option to manually enter your own calibration verification numbers (CVN) for E40, E38, E67, T42 and T43 controllers. Workshops can now uniquely identify their own calibrations. This feature is only available to customers with a stream license for the target controller(s). It is available via the new [CVN] tab page on the calibration details window in the EFILive Tuning Tool software.
· FlashScan V1 Workshop cables and FlashScan V2 cables with matching stream licenses can now transparently re-flash controllers with missing serial numbers.
· Changed the following PIDs to use PSI instead of inHg:
· Script generation has been changed so that if an entire table is to be added to the script the coordinates are generated as “.” Instead of literal min/max column/row values. That prevents scripts failing when run against tunes with different axis labels.
· A command line parameter of – (a single minus sign) will cause EFILive Tune Tool software to not attempt to load any pre-existing *.tun files. To use this option, you need to create a shortcut to the EFILive Tuning Tool software with a target of: EFIlive_Tune.exe –. (I.e. EFILive_Tune.exe<space><minus sign>)
· Launch control spark retard PIDs added for Lingenfelter LNC-002 launch controller. PIDs are called:
- CALC.LNC002_1
- CALC.LNC002_2
· Added F.A.S.T. wide band O2 analog PIDs. PIDs are called:
· Added two new SAE PIDs called:
- SAE.FUELTYPE: Fuel type
- SAE.E85R: Ethanol Fuel Percentage

EFILive_Explorer V8.1.2 (Build 40)
New Features
· None.
Bug Fixes
· Fixed display refresh problem when swapping between AutoCal and FlashScan devices.
· Corrected error message when no firmware file was selected and the [Program] button was clicked.

Happy Jim
October 20th, 2008, 09:29 AM
:secret: ?

I Can't see any updates mentioned in threads or on download pages....is Build 70 restricted to a subset of users at the moment (no problem if it is, just concerned that I might have missed something).


October 20th, 2008, 09:36 AM
Hi Jim,

It's on the new website: http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=124


October 20th, 2008, 09:48 AM
How come the online update isnt picking this up?

Happy Jim
October 20th, 2008, 09:51 AM
Thanks Joe,

Didn't know there was a new website...hard to keep up.

Many thanks


October 20th, 2008, 10:06 AM
How come the online update isnt picking this up?

I think Paul mentioned in another post last week that there were problems with the automatic updates and it was not going to be used any longer, but I could be wrong.

October 20th, 2008, 10:25 AM
I think Paul mentioned in another post last week that there were problems with the automatic updates and it was not going to be used any longer, but I could be wrong.


October 20th, 2008, 10:33 AM
It says I have to uninstall the previous version to get the versions on their webpage for the 17 Oct 08 update.

Ugh, screw that.

Are they ever going to add more features for us LS1 guys? EG fix the missing INJFLOW and stand alone flashing.
Looks like pretty much all the new stuff has been for late model guys.

jay p
October 20th, 2008, 12:25 PM
Is this beta software? I installed it (and firmware) and can no longer data log via software. I get an error that it can't connect. I can connect and validate PIDs. The stand alone data logging does work. This is on an LBZ.

On another note... It's getting old having to uninstall the old version and then install the new version. If you are going to force an uninstall, the installer should do it. I also don't like the fact that I have to enter the license info every time and save my personal stuff associated with EFILive. I did not let the uninstall remove the registry entries when asked.

October 20th, 2008, 12:40 PM
Is this beta software? I installed it (and firmware) and can no longer data log via software. I get an error that it can't connect. I can connect and validate PIDs. The stand alone data logging does work. This is on an LBZ.

On another note... It's getting old having to uninstall the old version and then install the new version. If you are going to force an uninstall, the installer should do it. I also don't like the fact that I have to enter the license info every time and save my personal stuff associated with EFILive. I did not let the uninstall remove the registry entries when asked.

Thanks! I thought it was just me.... it asked me to uninstall and I said forget it. Doesn't look like the updated version did anything for me at all.

October 20th, 2008, 01:35 PM
Is this beta software? I installed it (and firmware) and can no longer data log via software. I get an error that it can't connect. I can connect and validate PIDs. The stand alone data logging does work. This is on an LBZ.

Can you post the text from the scantool's Console tab...?

I pm'd tech support.


October 20th, 2008, 01:36 PM
Did you upgrade your boot block and firmware on your V2 as well?
In looking at the package(s) the distribution is a complete release not just an update. Meaning;

-New v7.5
-New v8.0
-New Firmware 2.6.03
-Latest Boot Block 2.6.02

Is this beta software? I installed it (and firmware) and can no longer data log via software. I get an error that it can't connect. I can connect and validate PIDs. The stand alone data logging does work. This is on an LBZ.

On another note... It's getting old having to uninstall the old version and then install the new version. If you are going to force an uninstall, the installer should do it. I also don't like the fact that I have to enter the license info every time and save my personal stuff associated with EFILive. I did not let the uninstall remove the registry entries when asked.

October 20th, 2008, 02:03 PM
On another note... It's getting old having to uninstall the old version and then install the new version. If you are going to force an uninstall, the installer should do it. I also don't like the fact that I have to enter the license info every time and save my personal stuff associated with EFILive. I did not let the uninstall remove the registry entries when asked.

Apologies for that.

Its along story, the short version is, we changed installers from InstallShield to InstallAware to provide automatic web based updates. InstallAware has "some problems" that we were told by InstallAware could not be fixed because they are, quote: "windows installer problems". So we ditched InstallAware for QSetup which does not suffer the same problems. The changeovers to various installers has caused a *lot* of headaches to try and make the transition as seamless as possible for our users. Unfortunately, some things are just not easily done.

I highly recommend uninstalling V7.5.4 (that was installed with InstallAware) before installing V7.5.5 which is installed using QSetup.

Now that we are using QSetup we are confident that future updates will be automatic, transparent and easy.


October 20th, 2008, 02:07 PM
Is this beta software? I installed it (and firmware) and can no longer data log via software. I get an error that it can't connect. I can connect and validate PIDs. The stand alone data logging does work. This is on an LBZ.

I just tried logging LBZ/AL5 combo and it logged ok. Can you generate an error report after trying (and failing) to log? File->Generate error report. Save it and email it to me at paul@efilive.com. Include a link to this thread so I know what its about.


October 20th, 2008, 02:54 PM
I just tried logging LBZ/AL5 combo and it logged ok. Can you generate an error report after trying (and failing) to log? File->Generate error report. Save it and email it to me at paul@efilive.com. Include a link to this thread so I know what its about.


LBZ should have AL6, not AL5 :)

jay p
October 20th, 2008, 03:34 PM
I just tried logging LBZ/AL5 combo and it logged ok. Can you generate an error report after trying (and failing) to log? File->Generate error report. Save it and email it to me at paul@efilive.com. Include a link to this thread so I know what its about.


I will try and send you an error report tomorrow after I get up (work nights). I will also try a complete uninstall including the registry entries and see if that helps.


October 20th, 2008, 03:36 PM
OK, got it all installed... finally..... I have a couple of questions though.

The new install process logs everything so that it knows what needs to be uninstalled at a later date. Checking the "un-install" file indicates that it will remove my home directory. Is this correct or am I getting worried over nothing?





As you can see we have networked "home" drives and we run a roaming profile. I wounder if this has caused an issue?

Progressing with the roaming profile stuff, is it possible to include an option to change the default "user location", like we can with the default "program location"? Given the laptop I use has this roaming profile, I can't actually run EFILive with it using my home directory. The quota settings result in EFILive locking up with no disk space. What I have been doing is to move all that data to a different directory under C:\ and then manually editing the registry to point to the new location. It works fine, but makes upgrades a little more work ;)


October 20th, 2008, 03:57 PM
LBZ should have AL6, not AL5 :)
I meant AL6 (the one that looks like a porcupine) - sorry.

October 20th, 2008, 04:01 PM
OK, got it all installed... finally..... I have a couple of questions though.

The new install process logs everything so that it knows what needs to be uninstalled at a later date. Checking the "un-install" file indicates that it will remove my home directory. Is this correct or am I getting worried over nothing?

As you can see we have networked "home" drives and we run a roaming profile. I wounder if this has caused an issue?
Progressing with the roaming profile stuff, is it possible to include an option to change the default "user location", like we can with the default "program location"? Given the laptop I use has this roaming profile, I can't actually run EFILive with it using my home directory. The quota settings result in EFILive locking up with no disk space. What I have been doing is to move all that data to a different directory under C:\ and then manually editing the registry to point to the new location. It works fine, but makes upgrades a little more work ;)


The uninstaller won't remove anything that it did not install itself.
And some things that it did install it will leave when uninstalling - such as the license file and other user settings. (Some messed up installs actually did remove the license file and user data but this latest one should not).

You can change the folders in the V7 Scan Tool properties window.
V7 is not configured for roaming profiles. (Version 8 is/will be).


October 20th, 2008, 04:47 PM
Excellent. I had to check after being bitten once before. I had an application that decided it needed to remove c:\windows\system32 when it uninstalled its self.....

October 20th, 2008, 11:06 PM
Was it written by someone called "0wn3d"? :)

October 21st, 2008, 12:40 PM
my experience with 7.5.5 (Build 70):

files overwritten by new version

EFILive Explorer folder is now V8 instead of V8.1 :confused:

bootblock is V2.06.02 not V2.06.01
firmware is V2.06.03 not V2.06.01

on firmware tab Formware Date is displayed:
it should be Firmware Date (or should it?) :grin:

Ctrl button on V2 does not work during self test but it does work.

Application Data folder installed in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive
not in C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8

i am not complaining.
IIRC it is my duty as a beta tester to say something :gossip:

jay p
October 21st, 2008, 12:53 PM
I will try and send you an error report tomorrow after I get up (work nights). I will also try a complete uninstall including the registry entries and see if that helps.


I uninstalled EFILive, cleaned out the registry, deleted all EFILive folders and reinstalled EFILive. Now everything is working fine. Must be a Vista problem. I also installed it on my old laptop with XP without deleting anything or cleaning the registry and it works fine.


October 21st, 2008, 01:26 PM
my experience with 7.5.5 (Build 70):

files overwritten by new version

EFILive Explorer folder is now V8 instead of V8.1 :confused:

bootblock is V2.06.02 not V2.06.01
firmware is V2.06.03 not V2.06.01

on firmware tab Formware Dateis displayed:
it should be Firmware Date (or should it?) :grin:

Ctrl button on V2 does not work during self test but it does work.

Application Data folder installed in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive
not in C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8

i am not complaining.
IIRC it is my duty as a beta tester to say something :gossip:

Hey, no that's great...:cheers:...many eyes helps.

Paul, check out the items above...

October 21st, 2008, 01:27 PM
I uninstalled EFILive, cleaned out the registry, deleted all EFILive folders and reinstalled EFILive. Now everything is working fine. Must be a Vista problem. I also installed it on my old laptop with XP without deleting anything or cleaning the registry and it works fine.

JayJay, glad you got it working...:cheers:

October 21st, 2008, 02:35 PM
my experience with 7.5.5 (Build 70):

files overwritten by new version

They are not meant to be overwritten - I will investigate.

EFILive Explorer folder is now V8 instead of V8.1 :confused:

It has been changed deliberately to prevent new folders being required when upgrading to V8.2.x, 8.3.x, etc.
You can delete the V8.1 folder once V8.1.2 is installed into the V8 folder.

bootblock is V2.06.02 not V2.06.01
firmware is V2.06.03 not V2.06.01

Typo, has been fixed in the V8.1.2 update. Have you performed the "Check for updates" yet?

on firmware tab Formware Date is displayed:
it should be Firmware Date (or should it?) :grin:

Typo :(

Ctrl button on V2 does not work during self test but it does work.

The Ctrl button is different to the rest of the keys on the keypad. It has been deliberately excluded from the test. The test will be expanded to test for Ctrl+<each key> sometime in a future update.

Application Data folder installed in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive
not in C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8

Vista will install to C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8
XP/2K will install to: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive

Blame Microsoft for that little gem of consistency.

i am not complaining.
IIRC it is my duty as a beta tester to say something :gossip:
Thanks for the feedback :cheers:


October 21st, 2008, 02:52 PM
They are not meant to be overwritten - I will investigate.

It has been changed deliberately to prevent new folders being required when upgrading to V8.2.x, 8.3.x, etc.
You can delete the V8.1 folder once V8.1.2 is installed into the V8 folder.

Typo, has been fixed in the V8.1.2 update. Have you performed the "Check for updates" yet?

Typo :(

The Ctrl button is different to the rest of the keys on the keypad. It has been deliberately excluded from the test. The test will be expanded to test for Ctrl+<each key> sometime in a future update.

Vista will install to C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8
XP/2K will install to: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive

Blame Microsoft for that little gem of consistency.

Thanks for the feedback :cheers:


Paul, forgive me, but didn't you say some time back that moving into V8, you would get away from Micro$oft$ screwyness and make it so that in order to uninstall EFILive, all you'd have to do is delete a single folder? Having some in the Program files (or Porgram Files (x86) for those running Vista) and Program data and My Documents, as well as the registry, I'd assume, uninstallation wouldn't be quite that simple.

October 21st, 2008, 03:32 PM
Paul, forgive me, but didn't you say some time back that moving into V8, you would get away from Micro$oft$ screwyness and make it so that in order to uninstall EFILive, all you'd have to do is delete a single folder? Having some in the Program files (or Porgram Files (x86) for those running Vista) and Program data and My Documents, as well as the registry, I'd assume, uninstallation wouldn't be quite that simple.

I tried, I really, really tried but Microsoft screwed me over. Here's what happened...

1. Under Windows XP I had version 8 working and running 100% in the C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8 folder. To uninstall, just delete the folder and the start menu and desktop shortcuts.

2. Then Vista came along with its new "security" model. Vista (by default) prevents applications from modifying files in C:\Program Files for security reasons. The only way to get around that is to give the application higher privileges.

3. So where should I store data that is to be modified by the software but not directly editable by the user? (i.e. Options.txt and *.ini files since I'm no longer using the registry)

4. Microsoft's solution (on Vista) was to create a new folder called C:\ProgramData (notice they obviously learned their lesson from the "Program Files" fiasco and did not include a space in the ProgramData folder name).

5. Problem is there is no C:\ProgramData on earlier versions of Windows by default.

6. Microsoft's solution is that developers should use \Documents and settings\All users\Application Data on earlier versions of Windows.

Microsoft ->:chair: <- Me

I seriously considered just installing EFILive into C:\EFILive and just opting out of Microsoft's "best practices" altogether. I may still do that...

Actually I have been browsing for a Mac so I can port EFILive on to Mac OSX. The majority of my software development life has been writing C on Unix, so doing a Mac port would be like "going home".


October 21st, 2008, 03:46 PM
Actually I have been browsing for a Mac so I can port EFILive on to Mac OSX.


OMG, it might actually happen, iFlashscan.

jay p
October 21st, 2008, 03:56 PM
Actually I have been browsing for a Mac so I can port EFILive on to Mac OSX. The majority of my software development life has been writing C on Unix, so doing a Mac port would be like "going home".


The sooner the better. I would love to dump my Windows partition....

October 21st, 2008, 06:08 PM
He doesn't have to call it iFlashScan or iScan or iFlash...

I develop linux device driver code and I don't name anything iXXXX or eXXXX...

I find that WinXP runs better on the VMware Fusion x86 virtual machine than it does on real x86 hardware... go figure...:cucumber::cucumber::cucumber::cucumber:

October 21st, 2008, 10:28 PM
I have a question......

So, when did the V2 start having hidden applications? I wondered what that extra switchable tune setting was for......


:grin: At least it could help pass the time while waiting for the next tuning job....

Please note the above image may have undergone some photo editing....

October 21st, 2008, 11:56 PM
I tried, I really, really tried but Microsoft screwed me over. Here's what happened...

1. Under Windows XP I had version 8 working and running 100% in the C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8 folder. To uninstall, just delete the folder and the start menu and desktop shortcuts.

2. Then Vista came along with its new "security" model. Vista (by default) prevents applications from modifying files in C:\Program Files for security reasons. The only way to get around that is to give the application higher privileges.

3. So where should I store data that is to be modified by the software but not directly editable by the user? (i.e. Options.txt and *.ini files since I'm no longer using the registry)

4. Microsoft's solution (on Vista) was to create a new folder called C:\ProgramData (notice they obviously learned their lesson from the "Program Files" fiasco and did not include a space in the ProgramData folder name).

5. Problem is there is no C:\ProgramData on earlier versions of Windows by default.

6. Microsoft's solution is that developers should use \Documents and settings\All users\Application Data on earlier versions of Windows.

Microsoft ->:chair: <- Me

I seriously considered just installing EFILive into C:\EFILive and just opting out of Microsoft's "best practices" altogether. I may still do that...

Gotcha :good:. Go figure on M$ making everything difficult for the developers.

Actually I have been browsing for a Mac so I can port EFILive on to Mac OSX. The majority of my software development life has been writing C on Unix, so doing a Mac port would be like "going home".


NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not the DEVIL!!! Mac's are EVIL!!! :)

October 22nd, 2008, 12:37 AM
I have a question......

So, when did the V2 start having hidden applications? I wondered what that extra switchable tune setting was for......

Ah, see in development we get the updated colour version that also runs MAME :shock:


Breaking news: As MAME is an open source not for profit program this device has been scrapped. However, inside word is the real reason was the addition of an 'i' in the product name that caused GMPX to force all marketing personnel to sit on Judas chairs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_Chair) until they all agreed to never name a product beginning with a lower case i again.


October 22nd, 2008, 02:19 AM
I think I still have the Apple II GS and a Dec Alpha 250 with NT4 in the basement. Can't help with a iMac.

October 22nd, 2008, 08:55 AM
Actually I have been browsing for a Mac so I can port EFILive on to Mac OSX. The majority of my software development life has been writing C on Unix, so doing a Mac port would be like "going home".


Ubuntu! What's Windows anyway? :) I haven't been there except at work in MONTHS!

October 22nd, 2008, 09:13 AM
Actually I have been browsing for a Mac so I can port EFILive on to Mac OSX. The majority of my software development life has been writing C on Unix, so doing a Mac port would be like "going home".
Dang , there they go teasing again .
I'll buy a Mac if it happens !

October 22nd, 2008, 09:16 AM
· Added option to manually enter your own calibration verification numbers (CVN) for E40, E38, E67, T42 and T43 controllers. Workshops can now uniquely identify their own calibrations. This feature is only available to customers with a stream license for the target controller(s). It is available via the new [CVN] tab page on the calibration details window in the EFILive Tuning Tool software.

Am I reading what I think I am reading? :shock:

October 22nd, 2008, 01:03 PM
Am I reading what I think I am reading? :shock:
Yes correct, workshops can create their own CVN's. Should you happen to choose the same number as GM use that would be unfortunate and not recommended by EFILive.


October 22nd, 2008, 01:12 PM
What would happen in that case (I can't think anymore, it's the end of the day for me...)...?

October 22nd, 2008, 01:29 PM
What would happen in that case (I can't think anymore, it's the end of the day for me...)...?

A modified segment with the same CVN as a GM stock CVN could be mistaken by another tuner (or even the original tuner some moths later) as a stock calibration. If someone tuned a vehicle assuming the calibration was stock when it was not, then that would be cause for a few head scratching "WTF?" moments.

Many tuners have asked for a way to identify their own tunes. Most tuners have modified the BCC number in the past. However, setting the CVN allows a tuner to identify each different segment individually that has modifed. For example a tuner might put BAD1, BAD2 and BAD3 (hex numbers) in 3 different levels of calibrations. That way when a vehicle comes back to be re-tuned the tuner knows what is in the vehicle.


October 22nd, 2008, 01:44 PM
Before people start questioning this feature, it is recommended and legal in the eyes of the SAE according to their HS-3000 book to allow a unique CVN to be created if the tune has been changed from stock, well, that is exactly what we are doing.

October 22nd, 2008, 02:14 PM
Many tuners have asked for a way to identify their own tunes. Most tuners have modified the BCC number in the past. However, setting the CVN allows a tuner to identify each different segment individually that has modifed. For example a tuner might put BAD1, BAD2 and BAD3 (hex numbers) in 3 different levels of calibrations. That way when a vehicle comes back to be re-tuned the tuner knows what is in the vehicle.


Now, when I set this CVN here, if the cal is read, then modified by another individual, the CVN would automatically be updated again, correct?

October 23rd, 2008, 09:21 AM
Correct, so if the customer came back complaining the tune wasn't quite right you could quickly check the CVN's (i.e not have to read the ECM out). If they changed from what you entered them as then the tune has been modified.

You are limited to what the CVN's can be, 0 - 9 and A - F only. Good if your company name is ABC tuning :)


October 23rd, 2008, 01:44 PM
Correct, so if the customer came back complaining the tune wasn't quite right you could quickly check the CVN's (i.e not have to read the ECM out). If they changed from what you entered them as then the tune has been modified.

You are limited to what the CVN's can be, 0 - 9 and A - F only. Good if your company name is ABC tuning :)


October 24th, 2008, 06:38 AM
... or the ever-popular DEADBEEF ;)

October 24th, 2008, 06:46 AM
... or the ever-popular DEADBEEF ;)Yeah, the 68K ruled the earth... :rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon:

October 25th, 2008, 11:33 AM
When is there going to be Stand Alone Flashing for LS1s? Ever?

Excuse me for asking but I was under the impression when I got my V2 in 2006 that most of this functionality was going to be there in early 2007.... It is closing in on 2009 now....

October 25th, 2008, 11:56 AM
is anyone having problems with build 72?

October 25th, 2008, 12:44 PM
When is there going to be Stand Alone Flashing for LS1s? Ever?

Excuse me for asking but I was under the impression when I got my V2 in 2006 that most of this functionality was going to be there in early 2007.... It is closing in on 2009 now....

Yes, it was supposed to be released over a year ago. There's not a lot I can say except it has taken a lot longer to design and implement than was originally planned.

We are currently working on it and expect to deliver the first stage of standalone reading Jan/Feb next year. Standalone flashing will follow.


October 25th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Yes, it was supposed to be released over a year ago. There's not a lot I can say except it has taken a lot longer to design and implement than was originally planned.

We are currently working on it and expect to deliver the first stage of standalone reading Jan/Feb next year. Standalone flashing will follow.



Thank you for this update and please do realise that there are no hard feelings towards you. Further, I completely understand that code to create these interfaces and support to patch all the bugs that come with it doesn't magically happen overnight.

I am still loyal to the EFI Live product line, however, I just wanted to voice my frustration for a situation which you probably feel mutually about.

Thanks for your prompt response,


October 25th, 2008, 05:33 PM
i`m not trying to pick on you but, why so upset? :grin:
there is no other product that can do what this one does now,
or what it will eventually be able to do.
save your frustrations for the bugs that we currently have. :doh2:
BBF will most likely not be out in the estimated time frame.
just think of what people were using before V1 came out. :throw:

i have a 2002 Z28 six speed and frankly
there are better (and more fun) options with the V2 than BBL or BBF but,
if you don`t mind the added cost.
IMO :)

October 26th, 2008, 05:01 AM
It's pretty mind boggling when you consider the number of vehicles/years that are supported...
the software/firmware/hardware has to work flawlessly with all of them...:online2long:

Chuck CoW
November 13th, 2008, 04:11 PM
Hey Paul..... Any plans to port EFI Live V8 to 6502 Assembly language so I can run it on my old ATARI 800 with the 8" Floppies....????

I still have my old Atari 800's...(not sure if the old floppies survived all these years...BUT I STILL GOT EM!


The only problem is downloading your updates off the old 150 bps acoustic modem I still have....

I might have to switch over to the old Hayes 1200 I got stashed somewhere upstairs for faster downloads!

Now, if it's 6502 Assembly... I can ADD MY OWN FEATURES to EFI LIVE instead of bugging you all the time!!!!:grin:

You Think V8 will fit in 64k???
Chuck CoW


November 13th, 2008, 06:13 PM
I have squeezed the scan tool into 128K inside the FlashScan device to do black box logging. Now I am working on getting the read/flash sequence into the remaining 128K.

As for 6502, I remember hacking Pro-Dos to work on Apple 2e clones by changing the 6502 assembler on floppy disks - that was way too long ago...


Now, if it's 6502 Assembly... I can ADD MY OWN FEATURES to EFI LIVE instead of bugging you all the time!!!!:grin:

You Think V8 will fit in 64k???
Chuck CoW

Chuck CoW
November 13th, 2008, 06:37 PM
I have squeezed the scan tool into 128K inside the FlashScan device to do black box logging. Now I am working on getting the read/flash sequence into the remaining 128K.

As for 6502, I remember hacking Pro-Dos to work on Apple 2e clones by changing the 6502 assembler on floppy disks - that was way too long ago...


Well, I think I still have.....my old Atari 130XE as well if you think V8 is gonna require more ram and computing power.

If you copy protect the 6502 EFI LIVE, I actually have a CLONED (he he) OMNIMON system monitor which allows me to interrupt ANY stack operations and dump the stack and registers as well as memory to my trusty dot matrix ribbon printer (i even have the 4 inch wide thermal ribbon printer:hihi:) or I can even disassemble the contents of the memory right on the screen! and then dump it to my trusty Atari 810 disk drive which was modified with the (angain, a clone of a clone) Archiver board capable of writing skewed and intentionally "bad"sectors.....oh, and even dump to my trusty 410 casette recorder...Didn't the tape drive make such cool sounds when programs loaded????


I'm an Atari man at heart!

Paul, if you plan to port LIVE over to Apple...I hope you'll do the right thing an also port it over to 6502 for use on my trusty old ATARI 800!

I'm an ATARI/PC type guy.... When the Apple Amiga came out, all the fairys bough it cause the graphics were a bit better...

But the real men stuck with the ATARI...and the Amiga eventually shriveled up and died....(like all apples eventually do!)

Chuck CoW

November 14th, 2008, 08:23 PM
Hey Paul..... Any plans to port EFI Live V8 to 6502 Assembly language so I can run it on my old ATARI 800 with the 8" Floppies....????

I still have my old Atari 800's...(not sure if the old floppies survived all these years...BUT I STILL GOT EM!


The only problem is downloading your updates off the old 150 bps acoustic modem I still have....

I might have to switch over to the old Hayes 1200 I got stashed somewhere upstairs for faster downloads!

Now, if it's 6502 Assembly... I can ADD MY OWN FEATURES to EFI LIVE instead of bugging you all the time!!!!:grin:

You Think V8 will fit in 64k???
Chuck CoW


That some pretty ghetto stuff. The modem for my C64 plugged into the mainboard and directly into the phone line. I am not sure why they have you place a phone onto the unit. Seems unneeded.


November 14th, 2008, 08:25 PM
I have actually never used an 8 inch floppy...

I have tons of 5.25s and they all run. A lot of them are very old.

Chuck CoW
November 15th, 2008, 04:45 AM
I have actually never used an 8 inch floppy...

I have tons of 5.25s and they all run. A lot of them are very old.

Cool thing is I ran one of the largest "war games" type pirate sites around....

At the time, the system consisted of 4 atari 810 drives and then later graduated to a unit (forget the name right now) which was a CPM emulator which allowed me to trick the Atari in running 4 double sided/double density IBM drives addressed as Drive# 0-3 and Drives 4-7 were 4 large 8" double sided drives that never shut off.... Pretty neet...Run a program (like winzip) called SCRUNCH....and I had more drive capacity than the us government!

I'd come home from school an my website was crippled, turns out mom and dad would hear the big 8" drives spinning all the time (cause that's what they did) and figured I "left them on" while at school....Duh.

Funny thing is, I still have most of this stuff....I gotta pull it all out one day and see if my disks still have data on them...or if the data melted.

Chuck CoW

November 16th, 2008, 02:34 AM
ah, those were the days ... ;) Learned progamming over the course of a year spending most after-school time at a local store on their exhibit Spectrum ... finally my parents decided it would be better if I was on a computer at home, so we went to buy one ... luckily, somebody recommended getting a C64 instead of the Spectrum (while we were waiting for them to get it from the back) ....

I guess most of nowadays' kids will have a problem writing code for embedded devices with limited memory and CPU ... today's solution usually is upgrading ... instead of optimizing ...

November 16th, 2008, 07:06 AM
I guess most of nowadays' kids will have a problem writing code for embedded devices with limited memory and CPU ... today's solution usually is upgrading ... instead of optimizing ...

Interesting fact: FlashScan V1 has 8KB of flash memory and the code takes up all but 8 bytes of memory. It was about 500 bytes over and I spent a considerable amount of time optimizing the code so it would fit.


November 16th, 2008, 08:03 AM
Interesting fact: FlashScan V1 has 8KB of flash memory and the code takes up all but 8 bytes of memory. It was about 500 bytes over and I spent a considerable amount of time optimizing the code so it would fit.

I hear you ... I still remember the days on my good ol' 64 ... I had programmed a tool that let you erase images out of games ... in order to be as versatile as possible (remember them 202block long files that would take up all the space from $0801 through $cfff?), and with it being larger than the tape buffer in version 2, I opted to put it in the screen buffer ... you had to load it with the sys-command to call it in the same line in order to get it running ... and do it in the last line of the screen, otherwise the "ready" return message from the load process would destroy the code, which meant I had something like 900 bytes for the whole program ;)

it was fun doing that low level hacking when I built my quartermile timing gear ... 16k of flash ... luckily, this is plenty, I think I'm somewhere around 10k or so at the moment ...

November 16th, 2008, 08:21 AM
I cut my teeth on a Z80 machine with 4K DRAM...

I remember writing an integer division routine where I rotated each new quotient bit into the same register as the dividend (i.e. into the upper bits since the dividend was getting "smaller" with each iteration) to avoid using the other registers or any memory... :D

I hated the 8080 mnemonics but I loved the Z80 ones...

LOL, and where I'm from we say "zed 80" instead of "zee 80"... :D

; 16/8 bit integer division
; HL <- dividend
; D <- divisor
; H -> remainder
; L -> quotient
div168 ld e,0
ld b,8
divlp add hl,hl
xor a
sbc hl,de
jp p,divskp
add hl,de
dec hl
divskp inc hl
djnz divlp

November 16th, 2008, 10:04 AM
Don't get me started!!, all this talk of 8bit CPU's and code optimisation for ultimate speed with a 1Mhz Xtal and 64K of RAM......:good:
It's funny when you think the amount of 'space' this message takes in HTML could have been a great game on on old computer.

Chuck, if you have all that old school stuff, clean it up and treasure it, nostalgic computers are going up in value.


November 16th, 2008, 12:36 PM
Vista will install to C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8
XP/2K will install to: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive

Blame Microsoft for that little gem of consistency.

I do believe that you mean the opposite for vista/2k8 vs 2k3/xp/win2k. Am I mistaken?

November 16th, 2008, 12:50 PM
I seriously considered just installing EFILive into C:\EFILive and just opting out of Microsoft's "best practices" altogether. I may still do that...

Seems like most of the tuning applications out there are setup in the root of C as you mention.

Personally I am ok with the current setup. I frankly would much rather have my tunes and configuration under my profile directory and not the program files. It makes it much easier in the event that I need to rebuild or upgrade. I can just grab one folder for backup and go.

November 16th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Vista will install to C:\Program Data\EFILive\V8 (I was incorrect to put a space in my first post, there is no space between Program and
XP/2K will install to: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive

Blame Microsoft for that little gem of consistency.

I do believe that you mean the opposite for vista/2k8 vs 2k3/xp/win2k. Am I mistaken?

I don't think I am mistaken - unless I've misunderstood Microsoft's doco.

The Vista version of EFILive V8 will install program config data into \ProgramData\EFILive\V8
The WinXp/Win2000 version of EFILive V8 will install config data into C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive\V8

Microsoft considers those two folders to be the same.
Goto to this web page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762584(VS.85).aspx (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762584%28VS.85%29.aspx)
Search for Known Folder ID: FOLDERID_ProgramData (used on Vista), and note that its CISDL is CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA (used on WinXP)

Then look up CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA on this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762494(VS.85).aspx (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762494%28VS.85%29.aspx)


November 16th, 2008, 08:04 PM
I think I am confused. My bad. On my Vista box did notice that I have the v8 config files files in C:\programdata\efilive\ . I also have 7.5 and 8.x files in my C:\users\user\Documents\EFILive\V7.5 folder along with the C:\program files\EFIlive folder. They all have MAC dates indicating that they are from the 10/31/08 install.....

My findings support what you are saying: My files for the most part in Program Files.

I am assuming that this is the MS doc you were refering to as far as placement goes.....It is somewhat confusing. :)


November 17th, 2008, 12:34 AM
Version 7.5 does not follow the folders I detailed above. V7.5 was designed for XP/2K and has no "knowledge of" and does not use the ProgramData (or the All Users/App Data) folders.

Once you have the latest V7.5 and V8.1 installations in place the only valid folders are:
for V7.5 on Vista/XP/2K:
\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5
\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5

for V8.1 on Vista:
\Program Files\EFILive\V8

for V8.1 on XP/2K:
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\EFILive\V8
\Program Files\EFILive\V8

You can delete any V7, and V8.1 folders in
\My Documents\EFILive
\Program Files\EFILive
as they are no longer used - but back up any files in those folders first - just in case you need/want them in future.

I moved away from the V8.1 folder naming convention back to just V8 because when V8.2 is released I didn't want to have a two sets of folders: V8.1 and V8.2 (and then V8.3, V8.4 etc)
