View Full Version : V1 to V2 upgrade...

October 22nd, 2008, 05:34 AM
I have recently purchased a V1 used... What would be a way to tell if this version has been upgraded to a V2 before I bought it? In other words I am making sure I can add licenses and tune additional vehicles...

Also, how do I know whether or not the 97-98 unlimited stream has been activated on this version?

Thanks in advance...

October 22nd, 2008, 07:46 AM
I have recently purchased a V1 used... What would be a way to tell if this version has been upgraded to a V2 before I bought it? In other words I am making sure I can add licenses and tune additional vehicles...

Also, how do I know whether or not the 97-98 unlimited stream has been activated on this version?

Thanks in advance...

Send the serial number to me paul@efilive.com and I can tell you if it has been upgraded.

The 97-98 stream is unlimited on all V1's by default. You should not be asked to license a 97-98 PCM when you try to flash it

If you have attempted to flash a 97-98 and were asked to license the PCM, then don't - let me know and I will investigate if there is a problem.


October 22nd, 2008, 09:50 AM
well I'm having trouble pulling the factory tune out of the car... it gets about half way through and then stops... at the time it stops all the led's on the interface turn off... I have let it sit for up to 8 minutes before I manually stop it... the scanner works fine, connects and will pull codes, however, the real time doesn't seem to work...

I will email you the serial number and reference this post...


October 22nd, 2008, 10:00 AM
Email sent...