View Full Version : Converted from man. to auto OS questions...

November 14th, 2008, 04:11 AM
Ok I am getting the software in the mail today and want to make sure I don't mess anything up when I first install everything. My car is an 03z06 manual and I converted my car to an auto. I know my vin would show I have a manual, but will that change the OS if it is not? I had to have someone edit the code in my old tune to get all of the AT files to appear and the car to shift like it should. This was all done prior with HPtuners, but I decided to switch over. Any help would be appreciated.

November 14th, 2008, 09:25 AM
The VIN does not control anything (useful) in the ECM. You can drive, scan and tune the vehicle with whatever VIN you want - even no VIN at all.

EFILive only uses the VIN to determine if it is a GM vehicle, which is then used to display gm enhanced parameters in the scan tool. EFILive only cares about the first 2 characters of the VIN and they must be one of these (as listed in sae_generic.txt):

# ================================================== ============================
# VIN/config files
# ----------------
# This section determines which additional config file(s) should be loaded
# based on the VIN detected in the connected vehicle.


#VIN Config file
#---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
1G......... gm_enhanced.prn (USA GM)
2G......... gm_enhanced.prn (Canada GM)
3G......... gm_enhanced.prn (Mexico GM)
4G......... gm_enhanced.prn (USA GM)
5G......... gm_enhanced.prn (USA GM)
6G......... gm_enhanced.prn (Australia GM)
6H......... gm_enhanced.prn (Australia Holden)The changes that you had someone make to change the ECM from a manual to an auto would have been a full flash with a manual operating system. So long as that operating system is not a custom HPT operating system then EFILive will allow you to read/reprogram the ECM that same as if it had been a manual from the factory.


November 14th, 2008, 01:34 PM
great...I have already started changing everything over today and I am going to go do some auto ve logging tommorow. I had one question though. I bought a gm 2 bar map, but the car would not idle very well with it installed. I guess I am going to go make a few stabs at getting the ve correct and then I guess I am going to have to download a COS for the 2 bar to work correctly right? Once I do that I will need to go out again and do a few more logs to make sure the ve doesn't change too much with the new MAP sensor; correct?

November 14th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Until you rescale the MAP sensor in the PCM's calibrations, the PCM will "think" that it is only getting half the airflow that it is really getting.

A 1 bar MAP sensor has a voltage range of 0-5V which represents (close enough to) 0-100kPa, so for example, at 50kPa it will output 2.5V

A 2 bar MAP sensor has a voltage range of 0-5V which represents (close enough to) 0-200kPa, so for example, at 50kPa it will only output 1.125V which will make the PCM thinks that the MAP is only 25kPa.

You need to rescale the PCM MAP calibration to understand the new voltage-pressure relationship of the 2 bar sensor.

For more info on scaling a 2 bar MAP sensor, see page 14 of the Custom OS tutorial on the Help->Tutorial menu option of the Tuning Tool software.


November 14th, 2008, 08:19 PM
Ok I spent a few hours getting everything setup and I actually upgraded OS's tonight to take advantage of the 2 bar SD. I also installed the correct 2 bar map sensor and followed the tutorial and got the car up and running. I took it for a quick drive around the block and the car already is acting better than before and the BEN factors all were at 1.0 to .9....I had previously done my VE tuning with HPtuners and really spent alot of time doing it so I guess that helped me alot. I guess what my main question is what do I need to log to make sure the map voltage is dead on other than just setting it to the parameters on page 14?

November 14th, 2008, 09:37 PM
I guess what my main question is what do I need to log to make sure the map voltage is dead on other than just setting it to the parameters on page 14?

Just make sure the 1-bar and 2-bar sensor values for SAE.MAP are the same when the ignition is on and engine off.

Note down the SAE.MAP value before removing the 1 bar sensor.
Then after you fit the 2 bar sensor, adjust the {C6301} MAP Sensor Scaler so that the SAE.MAP reads exactly the same value as it did with the 1-bar sensor.

Obviously the readings you take from the 1-bar and 2-bar sensors must be done at the same barometric pressure.


November 15th, 2008, 02:48 AM
I think I recall it being 4.8 last night before I removed it. Does that sound about right?

November 15th, 2008, 10:13 AM
The MAP sensor will (or should) read about 101kPa or 14.7psi at ignition on, engine off. That value is the barometric air pressure.

What you should be trying to do is make sure the barometric air pressure reads exactly the same for both 1-bar and 2-bar map sensors.

This is an example of the process (with example readings - your readings will be slightly different):

With the 1-bar sensor in place and ignition on and engine off, the Scan tool shows a value of 100kPa for the SAE.MAP PID.
Then you remove the 1 bar sensor and fit the 2 bar sensor.
With the 2-bar sensor in place and ignition on and engine off, the Scan tool shows a value of 50kPa for the SAE.MAP PID.
Now you need to alter the {C6301} tuning tool calibration so that the 2-bar sensor reads 100kPa (i.e. the same as the 1-bar sensor).
So you change the {C6301} value to 190, reflash the calibration and test the value of SAE.MAP again.
This time it is closer to 100kPa but only reads 94kPa, so you need to adjust the {C6301} again.
So you set {C6301} to 220 (just a best guess) and perform the calibration reflash again and test the value of SAE.MAP again.
This time it is 100kPa, so you're all done. (In your case, you may need to repeat the process a few more times to get the exact value).


November 15th, 2008, 10:30 AM
Ok I am going outside and try it right now....to be continued. If you have some extra time go check the thread I just started.

November 15th, 2008, 11:21 AM
Alright I went out and checked both maps
old map read 15.2
2 bar read 14.2

I changed the value to 220 and checked again and the new map read 15.2. I flashed the cal into the tune and now the car doesn't want to hold an idle at first crank and the about 30-45 seconds in the car shuts off and goes into reduced power and I get the 1514 code. What now?

November 15th, 2008, 11:22 AM
here is a log file when it happened....

November 15th, 2008, 11:43 AM
Have you done the Custom OS upgrade? You should be running maf-less and have done all the other custom OS upgrade steps as described in the Custom OS upgrade tutorial.


November 15th, 2008, 02:05 PM
I upgraded to 0s5 and am running the maf unplugged with a 2 bar map sensor. I found that I was hitting 105kpa at almost idle and my map max values were not high enough and was causing it to kick into 1514 REP. I adjusted them up slightly. I am now having a little trouble with the car going rich on DECEL and then when I finally come to a stop it wants to die. I am going to add 10% to the RAF and bump my idle up a tad to see if it helps. What else should I be looking into or is there anything I need to log PID wise that would help sort that out?