View Full Version : For Sale, 3 car companies

November 20th, 2008, 09:21 AM
So, with GM, FORD and DCX about to go under with no government bail out in sight, it looks like it's time to learn Japanese for the next wave of tuning software :bawl:

November 20th, 2008, 11:57 AM
For all three , I bid a half eaten Snicker's I dropped in the dirt and dusted off .:rippedhand:
Such cry babies , Airlines file Chapter 11 (reconstruction not a demise) and survive , so can the Big 3 .
Honda takes over GM , Toyota takes over Ford , Nissan takes over Chrysler . :grin:
Question : Would you buy a car from a Bankrupt Automotive Company ? , Would buy tickets on a Bankrupt Airlines ? , you have before !

November 20th, 2008, 10:48 PM
I'm just waiting for this to drive down the $20K dealer markup on the SRT8 Challengers.

If you take on Japanese, add Mazda to your list. They have a stout turbo I4 I'd love to tweak.

Redline Motorsports
November 21st, 2008, 01:35 AM
The feds did the right thing by NOT giving them any money until they have a written business plan. The biggest issue are the overpaid autoworkers. They are making $35 hr more then what Toyota would pay to do the work. They also should start building cars that the PEOPLE want!

Our country is getting everthing it deserves for how it is run. Lazy MTF! The new generation of kids are dumber then ever...............they think everything is owed to them......................wow I feel better...........now I have to go to my two business's I own and work.........like your suppose to!

Is EFI Live working on Toyota software? LOL!!


November 21st, 2008, 05:17 AM
I'm just waiting for this to drive down the $20K dealer markup on the SRT8 Challengers.

If you take on Japanese, add Mazda to your list. They have a stout turbo I4 I'd love to tweak.
yea, my new mazdaspeed6 has some software for it, but dear god is it retarded in both functionality and user interface

November 22nd, 2008, 07:06 AM
They also should start building cars that the PEOPLE want!

Judging from the percentage of big fuel sucking SUVs and Pickups on the US roads, I guess they did for a long time. I reckon they just didn't expect the fuel cost to make US folks start to think about fuel economy ...

November 23rd, 2008, 03:09 AM
Would buy tickets on a Bankrupt Airlines ? , you have before !

Totally different. If you buy a ticket from a bankrupt airline, you don't have to worry about service, parts, or warranty on your ticket. Who wants to buy a car with a warranty that may or may not be valid in 3-6 months? Or one that you may not be able to get replacement parts for in 2 years?

November 23rd, 2008, 07:59 AM
yea, my new mazdaspeed6 has some software for it, but dear god is it retarded in both functionality and user interface
Got a link? I didn't realise there was anything for late model Mazda, I know a shop out here who will be interested in that (no matter how bad it is).


November 23rd, 2008, 08:17 AM
Got a link? I didn't realise there was anything for late model Mazda, I know a shop out here who will be interested in that (no matter how bad it is).


sure, there's 3 of them actually:
cobb tuning accessport (cobb tuning)
cp-e standback2 (custom performance engineering)
xede ems (vishnutuning)

all 3 of them in one place: http://siteground207.com/~protegeg/index.php?cPath=34_273

November 23rd, 2008, 10:26 PM
Totally different. If you buy a ticket from a bankrupt airline, you don't have to worry about service, parts, or warranty on your ticket. Who wants to buy a car with a warranty that may or may not be valid in 3-6 months? Or one that you may not be able to get replacement parts for in 2 years?

I wouldn't worry to much about that. GM quit making the 69 Camaro almost 40 years ago and you can still buy new, albiet aftermarket, parts for it.

The Big 3 have the opportunity to wipe the slate and rebuild the foundations. This is a rare opportunity and if they don't take advantage of it, and get it right, someone else will.

November 23rd, 2008, 10:34 PM
sure, there's 3 of them actually:
cobb tuning accessport (cobb tuning)
cp-e standback2 (custom performance engineering)
xede ems (vishnutuning)

all 3 of them in one place: http://siteground207.com/~protegeg/index.php?cPath=34_273

Fortunately an LSx fits nicely in the RX7 and MX5.

November 24th, 2008, 07:37 AM
I wouldn't worry to much about that. GM quit making the 69 Camaro almost 40 years ago and you can still buy new, albiet aftermarket, parts for it.

The Big 3 have the opportunity to wipe the slate and rebuild the foundations. This is a rare opportunity and if they don't take advantage of it, and get it right, someone else will.

Good point , they can also lower some of the auto workers wages a tad , I hear $75 a hour for most Union Workers , which drives the prices up on American Automobiles .
Japanese companies pay $45 a hour almost half (American Plants), cut some salaries down to size and also some of the American companies CEOs cut of the pie .
Chapter 7 will not happen in Detroit , but Chapter 11 might and should , it would be a good thing , GM , Ford and Chrysler are not going away any time soon . American people are tired of the B.S. coming from greedy companies and so they should be .
Where is my "Bail Out Money" ?

November 24th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Good point , they can also lower some of the auto workers wages a tad , I hear $75 a hour for most Union Workers
Wow!! But how else can a guy afford the latest 50" TV (that was made in China by a guy on $5 hr).

November 24th, 2008, 12:49 PM
Wow!! But how else can a guy afford the latest 50" TV (that was made in China by a guy on $5 hr).

Prostitution :cucumber: