View Full Version : Two quick tech questions

December 11th, 2008, 12:58 PM
1. When I start the car up the car it idles a little leaner than I would like in the 16-17 range...as coolant temps rise the car gets better and better. I went to B3632 after start coolant temp enrich. I want to add more fuel in this area, but it says the number will subtract from the EQ ratio. So my question is do I make the numbers bigger here or smaller in the areas I want to modify.

2. When I go from P to D the idle jumps to from 850 to around 1500 rpm for a split second and then come back down almost immediately...kinda like it wants to lunge forward....I can't figure out which table to modify to combat this.

December 12th, 2008, 03:35 PM
Check your "Desired Airflow" B4307, your table looks excessively high, could explain your jump in idle speed during garage shifts. Also check your out of range values.
Engine Calibration.Torque Limiting
{B6619} Max Torque, Trans Input Shaft, was out of range when loaded.
{B6620} Max Torque, Trans Output Shaft, was out of range when loaded.

December 12th, 2008, 05:48 PM

B3605 can be set to view as EQRatio. When you do this you will see the richer commanded AFRs are the higher EQRatios. I don't think the software can display B3632 in AFR because it can't possibly know what commanded fuel is until the engine is running.

EQRatio = 1/lambda
lambda = 1/EQRatio
AFR = lambda * 14.68
AFR = 1/EQRatio * 14.68
AFR = 14.68/EQRatio

Based on what the software help info states for B3632, "This value is subtracted from the open loop commanded fuel EQ Ratio." If that is true, an increased in EQ leans things out. That doesn't sound right though.

Then, if commanded is 13.00, excluding other EQ adjustments,
EQRatio = 14.68/13.00 = 1.1292
If B3632 = .10, EQR = 1.0292 and
AFR = 14.68/1.0292 = 14.0292

I wonder if that is a comment error in the software because:

The EQRatios in B3605, for example, increase as more fuel is required for colder conditions. This also is evident in B3632 by the ECT conditions.

Hopefully Blacky will comment on this. I am currently looking at using the same table to adjust my open loop commanded to the values listed.

December 13th, 2008, 10:19 AM
After a quick look at the description, it does appear as if the comment is backwards. I think the comment should say "added to" not "subtracted from". It is likely that the description was originally written assuming the units were AFR. But as you rightly pointed out, B3632 can't be displayed in AFR and is always displayed as Equivalence Ratio.

I will double check and we'll change the description in the next release if it needs to be changed.


December 14th, 2008, 11:07 AM
Description has been changed, it was based on viewing those tables (and a couple of others) in AFR. Thanks for pointing out the error.


December 14th, 2008, 06:12 PM
Blacky and GMPX,

Thanks for a great product and look forward to updates.

To the OP and for what its worth:

I tested B3632 today, as I am working on similar tuning issues. What I found:

B3632: This value is added to the commanded fuel EQ Ratio and ENRICHENS the A/F.

If my calcs are correct,

After about 32 engine revs at 925rpm ( 2 seconds ), the pcm starts to lean out the enrichment factor from B3632.

Every 4 engine revolutions you lose about 4% of the enrichment you started with. If I calculated correctly, thats about 100 revs and ( 6 seconds, varies by ECT decay rate).

So, after ~8 seconds, the EQ Enrichment is almost 100% decayed.

If you kill the engine and recrank in less than 10 mins, you get about a 75% enrichment from your EQ Ratio, else you get 100% (for my os anyway).

I did not have success using this to lean my mix past the time interval above.