View Full Version : Data (F9) dissapeared. How to get it back?

December 29th, 2008, 11:28 PM
The Data for my PID's dissapeared and pressing F9 does not bring them back.

I can still log and RTACS with the RoadRunner. But how do I see my data?

Reinstall 7.5? Time to go 8.1?

I cant flash with 7.5 either. Says my firmware in my V2 needs to be upgraded with EFI Explorer but I cant figure out how or where. Need 8.1 for this?

Everything was good with 7.3 and all I wanted was RTACS. Now problems.


December 30th, 2008, 04:41 AM
Which versions of software are you running?
The latest EFILIVE tuning tool is the 7.5.5 build 76, and The 8.1.2 build 44 Explorer is used to upload the newer boot block and firmware. Please read the instructions included when you update the firmware/boot block.

I don't have too many complaints after moving to the latest versions; however, I don't have a roadrunner to test.

I noticed they made changes to the options files and the PID files, so you will probably need to back up your directory and format the config area on the V2 and copy the new pid files down.

December 30th, 2008, 08:26 AM
Try this in the scantool: Edit->Properties->Display and check Prevent Pages Becoming Undocked and restart the scantool.

December 30th, 2008, 08:27 AM
To upgrade bootblock/firmware, see post #9: showthread.php?t=9375 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=9375)

Read it very carefully before you begin the upgrade.

January 1st, 2009, 03:27 PM
Try this in the scantool: Edit->Properties->Display and check Prevent Pages Becoming Undocked and restart the scantool.

This worked. Data came back. Been very busy.

On my way to Vegas in a random L31 Suburban to tow back my 1974 Ford Van.

January 2nd, 2009, 11:34 AM
Have a safe trip with the tow, hopefully LV has no more snow.

January 3rd, 2009, 02:24 PM
Have a safe trip with the tow, hopefully LV has no more snow.

No snow but right at 200 miles into my trip I heard a vibration and pulled over. My dual axle trailer was losing one wheel with a Van on it going down the highway. Joy oh joy 5 bent studs at 2 in the morning and a broken rim because the lugnuts basically wiggled themselves right off.

Dropped the trailer in some random parking lot and had a hell of a week.

The Van is at my house right now. What a major PITA. Next time I borrow a trailer I'm tightening all the lugnuts. Some monkeyass moron put a new rim on days ago and NEVER tightened the lugnuts. So here I am, a jackass in the desert stuck in the freezing cold with a borrowed trailer.