View Full Version : My First AutoVE Log - Please review

January 11th, 2009, 07:03 AM
Anyone know why I'm not getting TPS? At one point it goes up to .04 but it's not reading correctly.

It has worked in the past - Only change is the MAF (3 wire) being disconnected - Is that where the signal is?

This is my first shot with the new AutoVE custom tune plus a few other changes.

The attached tune includes the updated VE table from my log.

January 11th, 2009, 07:40 AM
I just looked at your log and TPS worked fine in the scan tool.....it goes from 0-100% idle to WOT
It gets the signal from the TPS sensor on the throttle body not the MAF

January 11th, 2009, 08:38 AM
Yes, your TP looks ok.

Include these pids:

Maybe include these (if you have them) to get a WOT sanity check:
HO2S11 (not HO2S12 or HO2S22)
HO2S21 (not HO2S12 or HO2S22)

Remove INJFLOW, MAPBOOST, VOLTS if you need to bring the channel count down to 24.

January 11th, 2009, 08:47 AM
Set B3609 to zero.

January 11th, 2009, 09:10 AM
I set all of B3609 to 0.

This is weird - I created custom charts for AutoVE by modifying the default chart and adding PIDs - When I view the data with my chart I see no TPS, when I load the default chart I see it.

Does anything else look odd?

I Mainly wanted to get everything figured out and make sure it all works. I'm going to rent some hours on the dyno next weekend so I can hit more cells. I would go to jail if i hit all of the cells 50 times on the road in my area.

Also, when I go to the dyno, after my VE is right should I tune my AFR or Timing first?

January 11th, 2009, 09:22 AM
When you modify a chart, you also need to save it (Save As).

Yes, you just do your best with cell hitting... use smooth throttle transitions so the filter won't have to throw out as much.

The cells you don't hit on the street don't matter because they'll never be hit (knowing this can save you time).

January 12th, 2009, 04:51 AM
I'm running COS5.

In the AutoVE documentation, when I get to the line that says:
"Do not perform this section if you are using an EFILive custom operating system, V3 (i.e. 2/3 bar support) or later."

What mode am I running? Is this OLSD?

Are there any other steps that I need to take?

Maybe these? http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=9595

Also, what MODE would you suggest running?


I don't mind spending time tuning the car - I guess I haven't found a list of advantages/disadvantages for these modes.


January 12th, 2009, 07:49 AM
You should already be in OLSD... run like this for a while, take logs and verify that it is using the corrrect AFR... you may want to adjust the AFR in B3647 and B3618 for best performance/response.

SD and MAF modes have been shown to produce equal TQ/HP on the dyno...

OLSD has the advantage of no time delays between the sensors (MAF and NBO2) and where combustion occurs... the PCM "instantly" looks up the tables with only microsecond delay... on the street this is good since this is where you'll see the most transient operating conditions... on the race track you will see much steadier conditions.

I like running OLSD... many people like running OLMAF or CLMAF.

After you're satisfied with OLSD, if you want you can do AutoMAF (enable the MAF, set B0120 to zero, make sure CL is disabled, use wideband to correct MAF table) and see how it runs.

In SD or MAF modes, you can try CL to see how it goes... it should keep part throttle AFR at stoichiometric, and WOT operation should be similar to OL (the trims being positive/negative may modify the WOT AFR).

The thing is, when you are satisified with a particular mode/tune, save the file and make a note of it, and then if you want re-enable the various features like COTP and DFCO and try them out... if you don't like them, then go back to your saved/noted file... keep notes of what you tried and why it was good or no good.

January 12th, 2009, 08:40 AM
For OLSD do I always leave my MAF unplugged, or does setting B5001 to 0 do the job?

The AutoVE doc says to cover most of B3647 and all B3618 of with 14.63 - Is this actually for Semi Open Loop tuning? See post 13 here (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=7331&highlight=14.5&page=2)

Also, why do I need to set B3618 richer than B3647? I know that it's protection, but it's pulling 12.5 from my PE table when B3618 is commanding 12.95.

I would think that with COS5 you would just want to command AFR by RPM and be done with it.

Thanks for the help everyone - I'm planning to write some documentation to help others out once I finish this.

January 12th, 2009, 09:40 AM
I would leave it unplugged.

B3601 is your stoichiometric AFR (i.e. EQ = 1.000).

If you set any cells in B3647 to the same value as B3601, then running from those cells will give semi open loop (SOL) trimming from STFT's.

Outside of SOL, when PE kicks in, the PCM selects the richer of B3647 or B3618 (when PE kicks in based on B3616)...

usually B3618 is set richer than B3647 just as a matter of convention...
there may be situations where fueling is coming from B3647 without necessarily being in PE mode...
then when PE mode kicks in, the richer PE AFR is used...

If you have PE enabled, PE kicks in with throttle position which happens momentarily before MAP responds... see B3616.

I just set my B3618 to look like the last column of my B3647.

Yes, you could just command AFR from B3647, there's nothing wrong with that.

January 12th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Great info.

In my log – Take a look at my commanded AFR at 8960. How is it commanding less than 14.63 per my tune? I don’t see where it could find anything lower than this at the given RPM/MAP without being in PE mode.

Next, what is going on between 9190 and 9210? Why is my WBAFR jumping to 45:1 when I let off of the throttle? I notice that my timing dives right before that happens.

I need to redo these logs because some of the data may be off a bit, but the above items should be right.


January 13th, 2009, 04:50 AM
Need expert help on this one - In my log between 16740 and 16760 my timing drops to 0 with no KR recorded and the commanded timing is 35*... Looks like that's why my AFR is going nuts, but what is telling the timing to go to zero?

January 13th, 2009, 07:49 AM
Alright - Looks like it may be B3308 causing this.

Just now I made the following changes to kill DFCO.

B3308 - 122 C
B3309 - 12000 RPM
B3310 - 1
B3312 - 412 km/h
B3313 - 122 C

Unless something is wrong with this - I'll try to redo my logs tonight or tomorrow and see if that took care of the issue.