View Full Version : Shift Light

January 13th, 2009, 01:12 AM
I was wondering since the PCM can supply the ground for a shift light in my 01 Trans AM do I have to use a 5 volt Led? I could get a 194 bulb socket and a 12 volt LED and put it in a tube inside my center air duct. I was thinking that since the LED draws so little current compared to a bulb that it would be fine? Looking for opinions. I also am leery to run 12 volts to and through the PCM.
thanks Ed

January 13th, 2009, 08:10 AM
Running on 12V (well, mostly 13.5 or so during engine running) is the easiest way, as it is supplied all over the car ... unless you use a voltage regulator to get 5V ...

I set up my shift light with 6 2V ultra-bright LEDs in sequence plus a small resistor to cover the extra 1.5-2V ... works fine ... check out the other threads on this topic ...

January 13th, 2009, 08:56 AM
Thanks for responding,
I was worried about running the 12 (13.8) volt return to the pcm. I wasn't sure of the tolerance or range that the gound path the pcm would supply for the circuit would hold.

I was told by the LED guy a V-LEDs that a 6 element SMK Foward firing 194 LED bulb would be really bright. He said, " if he's looking at it it leaves spots on his vision for a few minutes." I thought getting a 194 receptical and putting it in the vent would be simple. I could avoid all the wiring multiple leds and resistors and such.
I just want somone with more electrical experience with the PCM to give me their opinion on the current return path for the led. Since the original design is made for the instrument cluster light.

January 13th, 2009, 09:16 AM
The LEDs I'm using are well bright enough to notice during drag runs without even looking in the general direction (mounted inside the left of the three center air ducts) ... they don't take much space, either, as I soldered them tightly by each other in a 3x2 combo on a small piece of circuit board ... hardest part was getting the wiring inside the air ducts, and fastening the LED assembly ;)