I soder new serial to board per this http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=7726 link. I need to know how to set up the v2 to see it.
I soder new serial to board per this http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=7726 link. I need to know how to set up the v2 to see it.
2006 Trailblazer SS
Twin Turbo 67 Chevy Truck
SOLD Truck 2002 Chevy kb turbo t70 5.7l
1. Updating FlashScan V2 Firmware:
showthread.php?t=9375 post #9 and #10
If you haven't ugraded yet, please contact me before you upgrade.
2. V2 serial/digital wideband logging:
My v2 is brand new just a week old.
I had the wronge gender change. It work now.
Thanks for the info.
2006 Trailblazer SS
Twin Turbo 67 Chevy Truck
SOLD Truck 2002 Chevy kb turbo t70 5.7l
See my sig.
512k RoadRunner Firmware 12.14R
FlashScan V2 Bootblock V2.07.04 Firmware V2.07.22 EFILive V7.5.7 (Build 191) V8.2.1 (Build 181)