Well, Looking at all the tables and checking things out, And of coarse, reading on how the heck these motors even work, "Still confuses me" lol,
I have been playing with two tables in peticular..
The main and pilot fuel injector tables..
The pilot table was introduced with the duramax engine, and was a major contribution to why it is so much quieter than the previous diesel motors.
And the more air and fuel you dump into them the more power they make, no limits until you cant supply any more fuel, or a hardware falure of coarse..
For my testing,
I have just been adding more to the Gm curve here and there and have had major good results.. You can even put more in a certain area and it makes it feel like a nitrous boost.. The more fuel you give it the power it makes, but i quit at 100 hp on the dyno. Ill play more when i have time. But if any of the new guys want the tune for thier truck just email me ill set you up with something you can use.
Egt temperatures are pretty important to make sure they dont get too high. You can get a really cheap thermocouple for about 65 bucks and it hooks right up the the flash scan unit.