At Englishtown NJ, I won their Friday night 11.50 Index series!

Well, thanks to EFI LIVE, I WON the 11.50 Index CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
Was running at 60% WOT on Friday night..!

I am also in 2nd place in the Corvette Challenge 11.50 Index with a chance to win that next week as well, and 2nd place in the Corvette Challenge Brackets.

This is my 1st series Championship!
I have won multiple 1 day events, but never a series!!!

All made possible by EFI Live!
I was laughed at and ridiculed by users on the HP Tuners board when I inquired about Index Racing & the ability to "slow down" by adjusting WOT%.. So I purchased EFI Live, and have been consistent & beating guys with transbrakes & 2-steps!
Yes, I'm a footbraker, drive to & from the track, and my car has run as quick as 10.35.
EFI Live made it all possible, and I thank you! I even won the 12.50 Index race at the Summer Corvette Show N GO as well!!!!!!

Ellis Gray
Phila PA