Ok having a big brainfart...when I am cruising on the highway in 4th say 65-70mph and slowly roll into the throttle the TC unlocks, how do I keep it locked longer?? The truck is strong enough to pull it a bit longer than it does.
Ok having a big brainfart...when I am cruising on the highway in 4th say 65-70mph and slowly roll into the throttle the TC unlocks, how do I keep it locked longer?? The truck is strong enough to pull it a bit longer than it does.
D1006 TCC Release Speeds 4th Gear
Around the TP where the unlock occurs, lower this curve a little to keep the operating point above the curve.
For TP above 80% leave the curve high since you want to unlock a stock style TCC at high engine torque.
Check that you edit the right curve: normal, performance, cruise control, hot mode.
Thanks...forgot to mention this is a T42 4L60e with 2600 converter.
Ah, then it would be table D4202 with the same name (I looked in a 2005 TCM file).
Thanks joecar, lowered 4>3 release by about 5mph from 50% TPS and down. By doing so got the results I was after.