Some guys have been asking for a tune to play with other than a stock tune.
Here ya go.
FIRST AND FOREMOST....YOU! <--- Read that <--- YOU, take full responsibility if you choose to use this file. I do not know your truck, your modifications, how you use your truck, your intentions or what condition it is in. Any use of this file, original or modified, is at YOUR OWN RISK!
This is a tune for a manual transmission truck, with stock injectors, and a stock turbo.
It's nothing super crazy, it's just a 60 - 90 hp tune for a daily driven tow rig.
It DOES NOT have every parameter in the tune changed. This IS NOT a tune that I spent hours and hours and hours on for a competition truck. Many of the smaller, minor tables are completely letft alone.
This is one that I use on our 2006 2500 G56 test truck and it works very well. The most weight I've put behind the truck so far has been our flat bed tandem axle (3400 lbs) with my truck on it (7100 lbs) and it does fine.
It does not have aggressive throttle response, it does not have the brake torque management turned off, it's not a high RPM tune, it's not going to roll coal every time you leave a light, it's pretty tame; it's meant for an otherwise STOCK motor. It's just something OTHER than the stock files for those that have asked.
This tune DOES have the 20* timing offset still built into the timing tables, so once that is adjusted in the newest updates, please keep that in mind.
Keep in mind, the test truck does have an South Bend OFE clutch in it.....just a word of warning.