First off I wanted to thank wait4me posting his tun. I wanted to post the calibration difference between his tun and stock and discuss it with you guys. I am just trying to learn a little bit before I flash my dads truck.
The tun results are on the left and stock on right.
{B0401} Glow Plug Timer (Start)
Different from cell: 5,0 to cell: 5,3 inclusive.
{B0502} Desired Boost Intake Temp Multiplier
Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive.
{B0506} Maximum Boost Pressure
Different from cell: 0,4 to cell: 4,9 inclusive.
{B0720} Main Injection Pulse
Different from cell: 8,11 to cell: 19,19 inclusive.
{B0721} Main Injection Pulse (No Pilot)
Different from cell: 8,11 to cell: 19,19 inclusive.
{B0728} Max Injected Fuel Quantity (Warm)
Different from cell: 17,0 to cell: 25,8 inclusive.
{B0747} Max Fuel Quantity vs Speed
Different from row 10 to row 11 inclusive.
{G0801} Max RPM Allowed by TCM
CAL: "4000.0" <-ALT: "3648.0"