Hi, I have been readying my Cobra kit car from its hibernation over the winter. I needed to replace the clutch, which was done over the winter with no issues. The engine was running fine all winter. However it has sat for the last 2 months without the battery connected. Whilst I removed the G Box to replace the clutch, and leaking rear crank seal... (the battery has been kept charged all through winter) Now I have come to start it and it cranks over ok but will not fire up. It seems the fuel pump is not operating during cranking. I bypassed the pump feed to keep the pump running during cranking, checked the pressure was ok at 60 psi and still it wont fire up. I upgraded the EFI live software to V8.21 and upgraded the firmware on the flashscn v2 controller. I then checked for codes and there are none ???? Checked all the connections to all the sensors but can find nothing wrong or out of place. The wiring seems ok. The throttle pedal and throttle body are all working fine. The engine came from a 2006 Pontiac GTO LS2 with a 24 tooth reluctor wheel, E40 ECU and has a stock tune file. I retained the throttle pedal, throttle body and MAF unit. The fuel pump is fed from the ECU. VATS Patch shows it is still applied. Does any one have any ideas what it might be? What I can test? Or what I might be missing to get it started? Any thoughts and Ideas would be a great help right now as I am missing the good weather for cruising....