Wow....I understand that change can be difficult, and those who have dealt with Fish may have a difficult time adjusting to a new distributor. However the completely juvenile posts from various people in this thread is some of the most unprofessional behavior I have seen in a while from people who claim to be professionals themselves.

Just to add a little info as an authorized reseller, for anyone interested in EFILive that finds this thread looking for information.

I have been in business with EFILive for a while, I have not had any dealings with Fish Tuning, and so I can't comment on that situation. However I have had experience with Guy and Socal Diesel, and I can say that their service is top notch. Guy and the others at Socal diesel have gone above and beyond with their service, professionalism, and general help. I can honestly say that the help from Guy I have received has been a great asset to me as a reseller, I think the childish and juvenile attacks against him are baseless and unwarranted.

I would also like to say that EFILive has been nothing but an excellent company to do business with. They are an exemplary company that provides some of the best products and customer service I have ever witnessed. The communication I have received as a reseller from EFILive during this whole situation has shown nothing but respect for Fish, their business, and their customers. The manner in which they handled this situation has been professional, helpful, and overall excellent. It is unfortunate that they have not received the same level of professionalism in the response to their decision. Situations like this can happen in business, and EFILive has every right to make decisions that they feel is best for their company, employees, resellers, and customers. They do not 'owe' a public explanation to anyone, and I applaud them for not doing so, it is a private decision between private companies, and any issues or concerns that people feel have come from EFILive's business decisions should be handled respectfully, professionally, and privately. Argumentative and juvenile threads like this do nothing to benefit anyone, not EFILive, not Fish, not resellers, and certainly not customers. As an owner and moderator of several forums, I personally would have closed this thread long ago, but I respect that EFILive does want to keep some open communication.

Although I have no dealings with Fish so far, I wish them the best in their future business endeavors, and personally, I wouldn't hesitate to do business with them for other products or services that they offer. I also welcome the new EFILive distributor.

And if anyone finds this thread trying to learn about EFILive products, please do not let the emotions, accusations, misinformation, and behavior of some of the people here influence your decision to use EFILive products. The EFILive products, and service, are the best. I have been using EFILive for years, long before I became a reseller. I only do business with companies and products that I personally believe in, and EFILive is on the top of that list in every sense. If you have any questions regarding EFILive products, please don't hesitate to start a thread, or contact any of the EFILive authorized resellers for information.