I want to convert a/c pressure sensor voltage to psi. I looked through the existing pid and didn't find one.
I want to convert a/c pressure sensor voltage to psi. I looked through the existing pid and didn't find one.
2006 Trailblazer SS
Twin Turbo 67 Chevy Truck
SOLD Truck 2002 Chevy kb turbo t70 5.7l
Hi aaronr,
There is a calc PID for converting voltage to PSI for engine oil pressure. I have attached my Calc PID txt with that calc in it. I would think that you could use the same principle for the A/C sensor
It is the bottom calc.
Going places no one else dares to Go!
60 Series Landcruiser, GenIII LS1 5.7, 4L60E Trans, 4" Stainless Snorkel
4" Lift, 35 x 12.5 BF Goodrich Mud Terrains
So my only question is 5v should be 325psi?
2006 Trailblazer SS
Twin Turbo 67 Chevy Truck
SOLD Truck 2002 Chevy kb turbo t70 5.7l
I have attached a Calc txt file that only has the engine oil PID in it. I thought the first one might be a bit confusing.
Going places no one else dares to Go!
60 Series Landcruiser, GenIII LS1 5.7, 4L60E Trans, 4" Stainless Snorkel
4" Lift, 35 x 12.5 BF Goodrich Mud Terrains
You need to know the range of your sensor. This will dictate what 5v equals.
I am by far NOT an expert on Calc PIDs. Below is a link to where I found the engine oil PID. Maybe these guys can give you better information.
joecar is good with calc pids.
Last edited by Laychut; May 5th, 2012 at 03:05 PM.
Going places no one else dares to Go!
60 Series Landcruiser, GenIII LS1 5.7, 4L60E Trans, 4" Stainless Snorkel
4" Lift, 35 x 12.5 BF Goodrich Mud Terrains
Hey aaronr,
I just found this link that may be helpful for converting your voltage. It also provides the PID to log.
Going places no one else dares to Go!
60 Series Landcruiser, GenIII LS1 5.7, 4L60E Trans, 4" Stainless Snorkel
4" Lift, 35 x 12.5 BF Goodrich Mud Terrains
Yeah I found that thread after I posted. Thanks for the help
2006 Trailblazer SS
Twin Turbo 67 Chevy Truck
SOLD Truck 2002 Chevy kb turbo t70 5.7l