Let me start by saying how much great info I've gotten from this site over the years. You guys have been a big help with all the info just here for the reading. I haven't found much from searching this time so I thought I'd just ask outright. I've been running my Camaro on COS5 for a long time so all the tunes I have for the current set-up are in that format. After last season I decided I wanted to do something different and convert to the M6. I've run COS5 to use the nitrous tables and it has worked awesome. Since I don't plan to change the engine/nitrous combo I'd like to keep that part of the tune mostly unchanged except for whatever tweaking I need to do with throttle ect.

What would be the easiest way to do the conversion? Do I need to go to the stock OS, copy the trans cal, and then re-convert to COS5? I will be hooking up everything on the T56 so I need the PCM to control the reverse lock out or I would just turn things off.

Any advice and experiences are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.