I did a tune for somebody in an 05 LLY, and he wanted the speed limiter raised to 120. I raised it just like I have in any other tune, but instead of raising it, it removed it altogether. Has anybody else run into problems with the speed limiting tables in an LLY not working? I know I had B0747 set to be 0 fuel at 120, as well as all 3 limiters set to 120, BUT his daughter jumped in the truck and took off and got a driving achievement award of 128 in a 55. He brought it back and had me drop it back to stock until his daughter moves out to keep from getting anymore awards of that size, but want to make sure for future tuning if this is an issue I need to tell customers about or not. And I did verify the speed with a GPS VS the speed PID in a datalog, and at 70 they were spot on to each other, and they said that the speedo said 130 when she got her award, so the only limiter it had working was the rev limiter.