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Thread: Known issues with the April 2016 Beta Test Release

  1. #31
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003

    Default V7 tunetool: doe snot show difference summary for VVE/coefficients

    When you do Display Calibration Difference Summary, it does not show any differences in Normal VE Coefficients and/or Virtual VE table...

    ( if you look at those tables and click the CAL, ALT, +/-, %, |%| buttons you will see the differences ok )

  2. #32
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003

    Default V7 tunetool: red ETC folder

    Currently require V2or V1 to be connected in order make the red ETC folder visible...

    instead of requiring V2/V1 to be connected, can the visibility of the red ETC folder be made an option (i.e. in the Options)
    (and with a warning if it is necessary; and of course, the warning would have an option to silence it)...?

  3. #33
    Lifetime Member GMPX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joecar View Post
    instead of requiring V2/V1 to be connected, can the visibility of the red ETC folder be made an option (i.e. in the Options)
    I doubt Paul will want to change the way this works in V7.
    I no longer monitor the forum, please either post your question or create a support ticket.

  4. #34
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chavez91 View Post
    If you have V8 Scan And Tune open and then Double Click the Desktop Icon again (sometimes i have it minimized and dont realize its already open) you get a dialog box that says

    "cannot open Only *.ctz, *.ctd, *.tun, *.bin, *.pld, *.efi and *.dsh file types are supported."

    I think it used to just bring the V8 Scan and tune to the front without the error.
    Thanks, good catch - that's a bug. Never tested for that :(
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  5. #35
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joecar View Post
    When you do Display Calibration Difference Summary, it does not show any differences in Normal VE Coefficients and/or Virtual VE table...

    ( if you look at those tables and click the CAL, ALT, +/-, %, |%| buttons you will see the differences ok )
    VVE tables are explicitly excluded from the calibration comparison routine. The documentation explaining why they are excluded is a "bit terse" (programmer speak for non existent). If I recall, it is because the comparison is done at the raw hex level by comparing the raw hex data in both files. Because the VVE tables have no raw hex data in the file they are not compared. That will change in V8 because comparisons in V8 are done at the calibration data level instead.

    If you generate coefficients from the modified VVE tables, then the coefficients tables will show up as different.

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  6. #36
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joecar View Post
    Currently require V2or V1 to be connected in order make the red ETC folder visible...

    instead of requiring V2/V1 to be connected, can the visibility of the red ETC folder be made an option (i.e. in the Options)
    (and with a warning if it is necessary; and of course, the warning would have an option to silence it)...?
    Ross is correct, its too entrenched in the design of the software to change it now. Hopefully in V8 we'll have a better balance between usability and security.

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  7. #37
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blacky View Post
    VVE tables are explicitly excluded from the calibration comparison routine. The documentation explaining why they are excluded is a "bit terse" (programmer speak for non existent). If I recall, it is because the comparison is done at the raw hex level by comparing the raw hex data in both files. Because the VVE tables have no raw hex data in the file they are not compared. That will change in V8 because comparisons in V8 are done at the calibration data level instead.

    If you generate coefficients from the modified VVE tables, then the coefficients tables will show up as different.

    After doing some testing, it appears the coefficients table is not included in the comparison either. Investigating a solution...

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  8. #38
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    V7 scantool (the one you sent me): PIDs tab: rightclick does not work (no context menu comes up).

  9. #39
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blacky View Post

    If you generate coefficients from the modified VVE tables, then the coefficients tables will show up as different.

    I did this, and the coefficients do not show up as different in the difference summary.

    Edit: I see you found the same thing.

  10. #40
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joecar View Post
    V7 scantool (the one you sent me): PIDs tab: rightclick does not work (no context menu comes up).
    Hmm, and the F9 data tab page is missing a context menu as well. Also the icons on the F10 and F11 tab pages are gone too :( fixing it now.

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