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Thread: April 2016: EFILive Beta Test Release

  1. #1
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default April 2016: EFILive Beta Test Release

    Please download and install both the V7.5 and V8 software packages.

    Both the V7.5 and V8 software were updated in this beta test release, you must update both software packages.

    At EFILive we have changed the way beta testing is conducted. The EFILive beta software is now available to all users. We strongly recommend that you do not install the beta software over the top of your production systems. It is possible that the beta test software may fail and your production system may not be recoverable. lf you conduct a tuning business, please take the necessary precautions to protect your business. EFlLive recommends beta testers use a separate FlashScan V2 device (when installing the latest beta firmware) and only install the EFlLive beta test software on a separate PC, laptop or virtual machine.

    Release Notes:
    1. None.

    Known Issues
    Please post new issues, questions or clarifications (large or small) in this thread.
    As new issues are verified they will be posted in the Known Issues thread.

    Version Numbers:
    After installing the latest release you should have the following software, boot block, firmware versions installed:
    EFILive V7 software: V7.5.7 Build 304
    To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).

    EFILive V8 software: V8.2.2 Build 295
    To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).

    Boot Block: V2.07.07 (Feb 07, 2014
    To view/update the Boot Block, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.

    Firmware: V2.07.98 (Apr 08, 2015
    To view/update the Firmware, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.

    The EFILive Development Team
    Last edited by Blacky; April 28th, 2016 at 06:29 PM.
    Before asking for help, please read this.

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