Innovates LC-1 controller with 4.2 lsu response speed is 200-300hz, the serial out is 12hz, so that all efilive can poll, canbus seems to be the way forward, can bus can be variable upto 200hz following this information about OBD2.

Quote Originally Posted by Innovative Motorsports
The LC-1 samples internally with the highest speed the sensor itself can sustain, controlled by the sensor's internal response time. This is about 200-300 Hz(200-300 times a second) on the LC-1. This is also the update rate of the analog outs in instant mode.
When set for example to 1/12th, the LC-1 sums together all samples for a 1/12th second period and counts the number of samples summed so far. When a 1/12th second period has passed, it divides the collected sum by the number of samples collected and outputs that value, which is then the average value over 1/12th second, on the analog outs and resets the sum and counter for the next 1/12th second period. As the logging speed on the serial port is also 12Hz, what's logged is also that average over 1/12th. With 1/6th speed the average over two 1/12th periods is output every 1/6th second. With 1/3rd speed the average over four 1/12th periods is output every 1/3rd second'

Is this on the list of things to update to EfiLive?