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Thread: Knock knock, False knock? LS3 mutant in C5 car LS1 pcm

  1. #1
    Junior Member BHC5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Default Knock knock, False knock? LS3 mutant in C5 car LS1 pcm

    Hello members of the board!
    Newby novice here. I've recently completed a mutant LS1-2-3-7 motor build and stuffed it into my old turd C5. After learning how important injector data is, I finally have it on the road beginning my journey with tuning. I'm about 80% happy with the VE tables, but I'm seeing Knock Retard when I crack the throttle past 40% around 3000rpm+ downshifting before blasting. Also have some KR when at WOT. I've tamed down the timing tables (so I think) and tried to get HIGH / LOW / BASE Spark all in the ball park so nothing is jumping around.

    The car is a C5 using LS1A pcm 24x crank, LS3 block, LS2 TB, recycled LS1 map, recycled LS1 valley type knock sensor on the side of the engine block. I only have one sensor connected right now (the second one was touching a header primary)

    Here's my tune and a log. Any insight would be greatly appreciated thank you.
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  2. #2
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    You log shows that it might not be real knock... but maybe something hit (exhaust on chassis...?)

    BTW: smooth your VE table (it can't interpolate easily like you have it).

  3. #3
    Junior Member BHC5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Thanks for your reply Joecar. I will get to smoothing.

  4. #4
    Junior Member BHC5's Avatar
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    Jun 2017


    maybe something hit (exhaust on chassis...?)
    DING!!! Second opinions Rock... I'm running those silly DynoMax VT mufflers with the flappers inside them... I bet they're causing the KR I'm seeing. Thanks again Joecar.

  5. #5
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003


    Do you have a Chassis Ear (or some other listening phone)...?

  6. #6
    Junior Member BHC5's Avatar
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    Jun 2017


    I do not. Where might I find something like that? If not too crazy $ I could purchase one.

  7. #7
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003



    The non-wireless ones are about $100. The wireless ones are about $200.

    Depends on how intense you are with your car, the Chassis Ear comes in useful when trying to locate the source of any kind of noise (of course, I sometimes still fail).

  8. #8
    Junior Member BHC5's Avatar
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    Jun 2017


    Did a little test. I wired the flappers in the mufflers to be open all the time. Went out for a test log, and Success!!! I had full timing until my riggings got hot and one side closed/got loose on me. LOL So now I know why Dynomax has discontinued those VT mufflers... The flappers may cause Knock Retard.

    I found a ChassisEar for $108 on a tool website, (not sure if I'm supposed to suppress other sites?) Tool topia. Looks like something I could use. Thanks again Joecar for the help.

  9. #9
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003


    Good job

    ( you can mention other sites, if there's a problem I have the ability to sanitize )

    I use the non-wireless ChassisEar for suspension squeaks/rattles, noisy wheel bearings, and other things.

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