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Thread: Before I attempt to go to V2 Version V8 from 7.5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Before I attempt to go to V2 Version V8 from 7.5

    I've been away from tuning and this forum for quite some time.

    I've been using the same laptop forever with a stable version of 7.5. No matter what laptop battery I buy it won't last more than 15 minutes so time to switch to my newer laptop. Many years ago I did lock up the cable during a similar switch and don't want to do that again. I think I understand the upgrade process, but at the same time don't want to find out I missed a tip in thread X, another tip in thread Y, and never saw thread Z. I'm hoping I can be put straight off the bat without being flamed for missing a detail that I "should have saw this that was buried in one of 50 threads.

    So here goes:

    Currently running Windows 7, using V7.5.6, build 130. Cable is Firmware 2.06.06, boot block 2.06.02

    New laptop I plan to use is Windows 10. I know, I hate it, but newer better battery, and tired of plugging into the wall to do any tuning changes.

    Steps to V8 as I understand it:

    1) On my newer laptop (without any efilive software), download latest V7, and V8
    2) Update firmware and boot blocker from V7 first. However, from old working laptop 7.5.6 build 130, or from latest V7 on newer laptop?
    3) Then update firmware and boot blocker from within latest V8 on newer laptop

    Is the above correct? And when all said and done I'm assuming I may no longer use old laptop with former working 7.5.6 as firmware/boot blocker will no longer match?

    I'm sorry for the concerns, I know a lot of reading will find most answers, I just don't want to lock up cable if it can be avoided, especially since going from very, very old set up to most current.

    Many thanks ahead of time

    2000 SS, A4 conv to M6, FAST 90/90, 224/230 581/592 XER, 2002 ECM 436HP/397TQ

    Melbourne Florida

  2. #2
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Hi Jason,

    First, install the newest V7 and V8 software... then report back after you've done that.

  3. #3
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Meanwhile, I'm finding out what your next steps should be.

  4. #4
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Because you already have the V2.06.02 boot block version in your FlashScan, you just need to run the V8 software and click the [Check Firmware] button. It should indicate that the boot block needs updating to v2.07.007 (Dated Feb 07, 2014). Do that first. Once the boot block is updated the FlashScan will stay in dead-poll mode (two orange flashing LEDs).

    Next, update the firmware to (whichever version is available with the software you downloaded.

    Once that is done you're all set to go.

    Before asking for help, please read this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Thank you Joe. Both are loaded on newer laptop V7.5 and V8. No rush. I've got to tune on my car and my nephews next weekend on old software setup before I upgrade just to be on the safe side in case I hang something up. I figured I'd search out ahead :-) ty!
    2000 SS, A4 conv to M6, FAST 90/90, 224/230 581/592 XER, 2002 ECM 436HP/397TQ

    Melbourne Florida

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Thank you Blacky!
    2000 SS, A4 conv to M6, FAST 90/90, 224/230 581/592 XER, 2002 ECM 436HP/397TQ

    Melbourne Florida

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