Hello, i just received my new EFI Live yesterday. I have been tuning my own swaps for many years using other software but wanted to get some of the advantages of EFI Live so finally got it.

Anyways seemed to install fine on my laptop running windows 8 last night, no issues... Started with enclosed CD then downloaded both V8 and V7.5 November release files from website and updated firmware with V8

This morning i decided just to try and get familiar with the tool on my 2011 Tahoe (common e38)... Anyways started up V8 tool and went to scanner section, auto detected which it did fine and then went to the gauge display. hit the yellow radio button and the scanner just hangs with the window blue circle spinning. tried this repeatedly, unplugging, replugging, etc just stays hung.

I then tried the DTC tool, auto detect and then did the scan for all data, worked fine saw all the test status, etc

I then tried the tune tool and downloaded the actual tune from the ECM. Worked like a champ no problem

Went back to try the scanner and same trouble. Just hangs. If it matters the led on the V2 box has the last two lights solid on during this time. The box does say it is in pass through mode when i just tried to look at the pid on the box

A couple photos to show what i am seeing

I did not try to do anything manually with usb drivers, etc everything is as the efi software loaded

Any help appreciated as tough to do much with it in present state... i did quickly try the 7.5 scanner but it wasn't obvious to me how to connect on that so can't say yet if that one connects or not

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	efi live firmware.jpg 
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ID:	21701Click image for larger version. 

Name:	efi live v8 scanner hang.jpg 
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ID:	21702Click image for larger version. 

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