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Thread: 60 degrees commanded ignition timing

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012

    Default 60 degrees commanded ignition timing

    For some reason the computer is commanding close to 60 degrees of timing even under full load . How my engine survived the 500 mile trip is beyond me with that kind of timing lol . Its a 2003 lq4 , with SD3 OS running N/A . I did a full reflash and it was still commanding close to 45 . I have no idea whats going on I have checked all the tables . I'm attaching my log files and tune . Any help would be appreciated .

    Also this setup is in a 2009 jeep wrangler , and I am running this tach emulator from novak adapters . I'm having a hard time getting it to work , I put in a pull up resistor as told by them guys . Changed the high/low tacho pulses to 3 as requested by them . Now they are telling me and I can't remember correctly what exactly they said but HP tuners has another setting which I couldn't find in efilive that says 'tach output' that needs to be changed to 'crank' . Is there anything like that . Once again thanks .
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by PSI; December 4th, 2017 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003


    I don't see anything in your .ctz file that would cause spark timing to go that high...

    try doing another full flash.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012


    I will try that , weird thing is the ecu wont start adding timing right away, it happens after about 10 -15 mins of steady cruising.

  4. #4
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Apr 2003


    Hmmm, very curious...

  5. #5
    Lifetime Member
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    Dec 2014


    How are you failing to speed density? Is there a maf hooked up at all?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Still haven't resolved the issue , tried full reflash a few times. Tried the custom SD OS 3, 2 bar and 1 bar with same results .

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Team208Motorsports View Post
    How are you failing to speed density? Is there a maf hooked up at all?
    Custom OS , no MAF

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20171023_170757.jpg 
Views:	272 
Size:	710.3 KB 
ID:	21857Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20171004_082942.jpg 
Views:	228 
Size:	1.01 MB 
ID:	21858Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20171004_082933.jpg 
Views:	321 
Size:	1.00 MB 
ID:	21859

    Also not related , I keep getting these codes . They only happen at a cold start after I put it in drive and idling . Once the codes are triggered the engine stalls and wont start again till I clear the codes . Has happened a bunch of times . Pissed a lot of people the one time it quit at a light during morning rush hour . Now I just kick it into neutral everytime I stop at a light and the engine is still cold . I did some searching and what I figured most people that have the problem are running FI setups and happens during boost . But my setup is N/A and it only happens at low airflow conditions.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSI View Post
    Still haven't resolved the issue , tried full reflash a few times. Tried the custom SD OS 3, 2 bar and 1 bar with same results .
    What map sensor are you using?

  10. #10
    Joe (Moderator) joecar's Avatar
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    Two problems: MAP is out of bounds, MAP/MAF correlation is out of bounds.

    +1 what statesman said.

    Did P0106 just start showing up (or was it always there)...?

    Did P1514 just show up after tuning...? Check for this again after you fix P0106.

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