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Thread: We really need T43 6L80e TCC pressure options!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default We really need T43 6L80e TCC pressure options!!

    I still prefer tuning Gen3 and Gen4 cars/trucks with EFILive over HPT, but everytime I have a guy come in with a T43 (6L80e) with an aftermarket small diameter stall, I have to go get my HPT cable so I can tune the TCC regulator gain/offset to keep the lockup clutch from slipping/surging. Is there anyone possibly making CAX files for this?? That or in the latest HPT beta versions they have a Desired TCC Pressure table.

    1991 RCSB 2WD Sierra LQ4 swap, 220/224 112 cam, Twin VSR 6766 turbos
    4L80e w/shift kit, PY 3600, and 3.73 gears.
    22 PSI and E85, 4300# with driver. 9.7@138, 1.47 sixty

  2. #2
    Lifetime Member Tre-Cool's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I've done a few for the exact same reason. if your still chasing them post the os/cal.

    here is 1 i did for os 24256025
    ; Description
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    DESC.001 = Selects the Gain of the TCC Pressure Regulator Valve.
    DESC.002 =
    DESC.003 = The OEM default is typically set to 1.500.
    DESC.004 =
    DESC.005 = Setting this to 0.000 will cause maximum pressure at all times, while setting to 8.000 will cause the TC to NEVER lock up (no pressure).
    ; Seg Caption Major Minor Vis Dis 2D Grp
    ; --- -------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------ --- --- -- ---
    VIEW = 4 "TCC Regulator Gain" "Torque Converter" "" 2 1 0 0
    ; Address(es) BitOff Bits Typ Inv
    ; -------------------------------- ------ ---- --- ---
    ADDR = 1EE622 0 16 UNM 0
    ; Units Factor Offset Prec MinLimit MaxLimit MinUser MaxUser
    ; ------------------------ -------------- ------ ---- -------- -------- -------- --------
    SI_SLOT = Factor 0.0001220721 0 3 0 8 0 8
    IM_SLOT = Factor 0.0001220721 0 3 0 8 0 8
    ; Body Col Row
    ; -------------- -------------- --------------
    ULABELS = . . .
    ; Enumerations
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
    SI_ENUM = .
    IM_ENUM = .
    ; Units Labels
    ; ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------
    SI_COL = .
    IM_COL = .
    SI_ROW = .
    IM_ROW = .
    ;================================================= ================================================== ==========================================
    ; Description
    ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    DESC.001 = Selects the Offset of the TCC Pressure Regulator Valve.
    DESC.002 =
    DESC.003 = The OEM default is typically set to 26.69 PSI (184.0 kPa).
    ; Seg Caption Major Minor Vis Dis 2D Grp
    ; --- ---------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------ --- --- -- ---
    VIEW = 4 "TCC Regulator Offset" "Torque Converter" "" 2 1 0 0
    ; Address(es) BitOff Bits Typ Inv
    ; -------------------------------- ------ ---- --- ---
    ADDR = 1EE624 0 16 UNM 0
    ; Units Factor Offset Prec MinLimit MaxLimit MinUser MaxUser
    ; ------------------------ -------------- ------ ---- -------- -------- -------- --------
    SI_SLOT = kPa 0.062500000 0 2 0 4096 0 4096
    IM_SLOT = PSI 0.009064827 0 2 0 594.1 0 594.1
    ; Body Col Row
    ; -------------- -------------- --------------
    ULABELS = . . .
    ; Enumerations
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
    SI_ENUM = .
    IM_ENUM = .
    ; Units Labels
    ; ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------
    SI_COL = .
    IM_COL = .
    SI_ROW = .
    IM_ROW = .
    ;================================================= ================================================== ==========================================

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Amazing timing this came up. If you don't mind, What settings and values do you guys normally change to with a high stall convertor?

    Here are the stock settings on this 2012 Caprice Police Car

    Torque Converter
    		TCC Enable Coolant Temp.                                  20 Deg. C
    		TCC Disable Coolant Temp.                                 18 Deg. C
    		TCC Min. Slip - A/C On                                     0 RPM
    		DoD TCC Slip Transistion Off                              70 RPM
    		DoD TCC Slip Transistion On                               80 RPM
    		TCC Pressure Regulator Valve Gain                        1.5 
    		TCC Pressure Regulator Valve Offset                    26.69 psi
    		TCC Adapt Min. Pressure                                 -2.9 psi
    		TCC Adapt Max. Pressure                                21.75 psi
    		TCC Adapt Min Vehicle Speed                              9.9 MPH
    		TCC Adapt Max Vehicle Speed                            317.4 MPH
    		TCC Adapt Min Trans. Temp.                                20 Deg. C
    		TCC Adapt Max Trans. Temp.                               150 Deg. C
    		TCC Adapt Min TPS                                          0 %TPS
    		TCC Adapt Max TPS                                         99 %TPS
    		TCC Adapt Min Torque                                    44.2 ft-lb.
    		TCC Adapt Max Torque                                   299.8 ft-lb.

  4. #4
    Lifetime Member Tre-Cool's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    From postings i've seen on the hpt board, the caprice trans tune seemed to suffer the worst of the convertor not holding lockup. Try changing the valve offset to 50-60psi. (i use anywhere from 350-400kpa).

    I'll reply to the other thread with a bin file.

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