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Thread: V3 Tune Read/Flash issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default V3 Tune Read/Flash issues

    Yes I'm already using the latest updates on my Laptop for my V2 and V3 units

    V8 Software: V8.3.15
    FlashScan/AutoCal V3: Firmware: V3.00.084 (Dec 16, 2021)
    FlashScan/AutoCal V3: Boot Block: V3.00.005 (Oct 20, 2020)
    FlashScan/AutoCal V2: Firmware: V2.08.184 (Dec 16, 2021)
    FlashScan/AutoCal V2: Boot Block: V2.07.009 (Feb 27, 2021)
    V7.5 Software: V7.5.43

    All drivers are up to date as well.

    When I first started using the V3 cable with my transferred licenses from my V2 I had no issues reading or flashing ecm's. Now in order to Flash a LS1A/LS1B/E38/E40/E76/E92/T42/T43 i need to disable the High Speed mode and also enable the "Assume lock maybe faulty function". This is the only way I can read/flash now, no changes otherwise on my laptop and its used only for tuning.

    Its the same process now using my V2 or V3 cables, and its very annoying. Most of the time now I can't auto search for the controller and I have to manually select. Is there a windows update that's come through possibly causing this? Its frustrating taking 8-10 minutes to pull a vehicle stock file out and then tune it from there. A Cal-flash takes twice as long as it use to as well.

  2. #2
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Hi Joey,

    Please submit a support ticket here:

    The most useful thing that you can include is a *.xalm trace file that has been manually saved directly from the V3 device.
    The best way (for this particular circumstance) is to attempt to read the PCM using the V8 software in pass-thru mode using high speed mode with your V3. Then after about 5 seconds of reading the controller (or after it fails), click [Quit] to stop the read process.
    Then on the V3 device use the option: Scan Tool->F3: Scan Options -> F1: Save Trace File.
    Then use EFILive Explorer to copy the saved trace file from the device to your PC and attach that trace file to your ticket.

    My initial reaction to what you describe is that there is a module (probably aftermarket) in your vehicle that does not support 4X (high speed) operation and interferes with the read/flash process when using 4X mode.
    The trace file should show if that is the case. If it does turn out to be the case, then you'll need to find and disconnect that device from the VPW network before reading/flashing.

    Before asking for help, please read this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008



    It's not just one controller, its all controllers. That's why I listed the above. It's happened with LS1A, LS1B, E38, E92, and T43 controllers. I've tuned 10 vehicles in the past 2.5 weeks and had this issue with all of the these controllers. I'll fill out a ticket when i get a chance to at home. I did a trans update on my E38/T43 SSV Tahoe with no issues, 4 days later i started having this problem on the next vehicle, which was an LS1B.

  4. #4
    EFILive Developer Site Admin Blacky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by joeygc5 View Post

    It's not just one controller, its all controllers. That's why I listed the above. It's happened with LS1A, LS1B, E38, E92, and T43 controllers. I've tuned 10 vehicles in the past 2.5 weeks and had this issue with all of the these controllers. I'll fill out a ticket when i get a chance to at home. I did a trans update on my E38/T43 SSV Tahoe with no issues, 4 days later i started having this problem on the next vehicle, which was an LS1B.
    Hi Joey,
    Have you submitted the ticket with the trace files yet? I have not seen anything come through. Just making sure I haven't missed it.
    Before asking for help, please read this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Sorry Paul

    I haven't as i just couldn't waste the time with 4 vehicles needing tuned in one day. I did a full uninstall/reinstall and so far no issues with the same controllers mentioned. I'll send the trace files when i get a chance and file a ticket.

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    I've had this issue only on LS1B controllers. But on certain vehicles. My thought was that there was something on the bus chatting away and not going quiet.
    "All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing..."

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