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Thread: P11 PCM on a 2.2 ecotec cavalier 2004 Fan Question

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    Default P11 PCM on a 2.2 ecotec cavalier 2004 Fan Question

    Hello everyone,

    I'm working on 9 sand buggys (purpose rental). The PCM is a P11. Engine 2.2 ecotec(from i suppose a chevrolet cavalier 2004)
    Purchased all the licences needed to tune the 9 of them. Using a Flashscan V2.

    My question/trouble is the following :

    1 - I have set up the ON and OFF temp for the electrical fan... low speed ON : 92, low speed OFF : 90. That works perfectly.
    But... there is always a but... some times, cars stopped, the fan goes on at 88... Why?

    2 - There is still one O2 sensor, but i cant see anywhere in the mapping if in closed loop or not? is it possible?

    I know it's old stuff and surely very easy tuning for you guys, but some help would be much appreciated...



    PS herewith my last tune file...
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