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Thread: Cmf cp3 os

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Sep 2019

    Default Cmf cp3 os

    Are there any plans for updated CSP5 OS's for 21+ trucks, or 19-20s with the CP3 recall done?

    I am having trouble getting it to run properly with the CP4 OS, even with fuel psi tables changed to CP3 values. I am assuming there are more fuel tables that are unmapped by EFILive that need to be changed to run properly.

  2. #2
    New Member
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    Oct 2023


    yes there are well over 20-30 parameters in the back end in BIn that need to be changes in order to convert to a true CP3 file.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2009


    Uh there's 44. Jim P first posted that a while back ago, took me a little bit but I got them all found and it makes truck idle much smoother without the ticking. Where you will notice a big difference is on the 22 and 23 trucks. A cp4 file on those trucks is very loud with harsh idle this is compounded by the fact that the 22 up trucks have different injector calibrations from the 19-21. I have those as well in my 22,23 files.

  4. #4
    New Member
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    Sep 2019


    I wonder if there are any plans to map those parameters or at revisit adding CSP5 support for the new CP3 OS? It is kind of frustrating there is still no good workaround other than digging through hex or ditching CSP5 altogether. I've been having to use *the other platform* for data logging and a switchable OS, but would much rather use EFI...

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2009


    I'm fairly sure there's no plan for efi to map those parameters. I still use efi for newer trucks just made my files SOTF with the CCP switch, works great. My only complaint is I can't log these new ones but its the same file I use on earlier 5th gen's and I've logged them plenty and they seem to respond all the same.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Jim P's Avatar
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    Nov 2019


    I have SOTF for 2021 calibration, just like HP Tuners but works on EFILive.

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