I have a new problem with the installation of my LBZ duramax and starting. With the dyno disconnected, the engine starts up effortlessly and runs nicely. However, with the dyno attached it starts sluggishly and does not make it above 400 RPM. It injects about 42-48 mm^3 of fuel during this time, whereas with the dyno disconnected it only injects about 3-6 mm^3 of fuel.

The voltage to the dyno is disconnected so there is no load placed on the engine other than the inertia of the rotating assemble within the dyno. The dyno shaft can be turned by hand so I don't think it is an issue with corrosion inside or a bad bearing.

Is it possible to use EFI Live to eliminate the need for a TCM? My concern is that the TCM is communicating with the ECM and somehow interfering.