I installed this kit in 2001 after a few stinky oil changes.

For some reason I figured it was supposed to make it full manual. Anyways, I blindly installed and ran super hard till last summer when it finally died. There was no plate material left. This is where the money comes in. I has the tranny guts replaced and left the kit in.

Last fall I played with the preasure tables and smothened things out somewhat. This year, (just insured again) I noticed the force motor current stuff. I think that might be a better way to counter the mayhem. Opinions?

The kit replaced various valve body springs, 1-2 shift valve, boost valve and bushings. Also involved was the drilling of holes in the valve body plate. When my tranny guy called Transgo, they said they didn't think the kit would work in a stock transmision. I got 50,000km. What I noticed from the kit was that the shifts were instantanious. The kit unhooked the preasure control and increased oil preasure regulation by changing the boost valve and spring. Like I said instantanious. After 30k of abuse I had the oil changed and tried hooking PC up again. The truck did not want to roll forward. It seemed the extra preasure (read full pres) was needed to overcome one of those nasty little springs. So, I ran without preassure control until it pounded its guts out. I now run with the PC conected and can control things not too bad. Really enjoy the tow/haulass button! Kudos for GM for thinking of it. Now, I'm thinking of setting the preasure values back to stock and vary the force motor tables instead. I think this should do the same result.
I think I may max the shift time values in normal mode aswell. Any advice is good. I have rebuilt one 700R4 2 years ago and changed a few filters over the years. That is the limit of my knowlegde. To do it again I would have bought the 5spd,4.8 ..