I have a 69 Camaro with an LS1/T56 from a 2001 Camaro in it. I have now a problem were I can not connect to the PCM. Efi Live says that it cannot connect to the PCM and try to turn off ignition and so on.

I have tried with another scandevice to se if anything is wrong with my cable or Flashscan and it didn't work either.

So how can I go forward in my search for faults. The pins 2 & 16 on the connector has voltage when ignition is on. Pin 16 has voltage when ignition is off as expected.

The connectors Pin 2 is connected to the C230 plug pin K.

Since I have voltage on Pin2 doesn't that mean I have signal?

I should also say that the engine is working and runs OK.

Any help is appreciated.

