Just an update.

I know things have been quiet here for a while. I've been away on holidays, got back and made the hard decision to stop development work and redesign part of the BB logging that was not performing as well as it could. It has taken a few weeks but I think it has been worth it.

Unfortunately, the end users (you guys/gals) won't notice any difference. The changes have been in the configuration files at our end. BUT it will make it *much* easier and faster for us to add new PIDs and bidirectional controls for supported controllers in future.

We are currently working on entering* the enhanced and DMA PIDs for all supported controllers. Once that is done a new firmware update will be available with full PID black box logging.

* i.e. transfering the PID definition data from the V2 gm_enhanced.prn file to the new BB logging *.pmm files.

Note: User defined calculated PIDs will not be supported in BB logging. They can still be added later in the PC scan tool. Some commonly used pre-defined calc pids will be made available for BB logging - but they won't be user editable.
