
I'm learning EFI Live for later use in my 2010 camaro. I have the demo and a tune downloaded from the forum, not from my car, but I'm sure it is the same or similar.

So looking at the A/C enable/disable parameters I see no reason to run an A/C compressor at 6000 RPMs. At 60 MPH my car is humming along at around 2000 RPMs. If I'm reving up to 6000 RPMs then I must want HP not A/C.

So is there any reason why I can't change the A/C disable RPM to 5000 and the A/C (re)enable RPM to 4000 ?

Also, I've noticed that the throttle position values in the A/C disable TPS (%) parameters engine tune range from 0-200, Is the 200 value 100%? So 197 would be 98.5% of the throttle?

Can I set the A/C disable TPS lower to 170 (85% of the throttle), and the A/C enable TPS to 160 (80% of the throttle)?

I don't think any of these changes this would effect the A/C operation under normal driving conditions, do you? It would probably help performance as well as fuel economy also don't you think? Why doesn't GM think of this?