PIDS EXT.AD1 and EXT.AD2 are not reporting correct voltage back to the scan tool.

I was attempting to log my wideband when I found the issue. Basically with the inputs unplugged from the controller EXT.AD1 is reading 2.5 volts with and EXT.AD2 is reading 3.333 volts. (This is with nothing hooked up) This voltage should read ZERO!

When I connect the wideband signal in which was 5.0 volts (verified) EXT.AD2 showed 4.8 volts but does not fall below 3.33 volts... and EXT.AD1 does not change at all when signal is connected.

It acts like the circuitry is fried with the external inputs.

Right now I am working around this issue by sending the wideband signal though the A/C pressure sensor, and it is working great. But if this thing is fried... How do I go about getting it fixed?
