Quote Originally Posted by Blacky View Post
The suspend/resume commands are not being sent. I'll try and explain what I think is happening and why.

During normal vehicle operation (i.e. when you're not data logging) the various modules that are connected to the ALDL bus* send and receive "chatter" frames. These frames contain status data that the modules need to share between themselves to keep the vehicle running properly.
* "bus" is just the name for the physical wires that connect all the modules.

The timing of the chatter messages are set up so that they don't collide with each other - i.e. only one message is transmitted on the bus at any given time.

When EFILive start data logging, it needs to send requests onto the bus and receive replies from the bus. All the timings we have been messing around with are really only to ensure that EFILive transmits its message when no other module is transmitting. If two modules transmit at the same time then their messages corrupt each other and neither message is delivered successfully.

The "frame checksum failure" message is the inevitable/eventual collision between a normal chatter message on the bus and an EFILive request/response for data message.

So you still need to configure the suspend/resume commands to actually work and to cause the other modules on the bus to stop sending their chatter messages.
That will require you to experiment with the module ID for the suspend/resume commands. Try all the values from $F0 thru $F5 for the module ID.

When I was datalogging everything seemed hunky-dory. I could see everything, MPH and RPM in sync with the actual vehicle readings (I assume the other readings were correct, there's just gauges that give a range not actual value on the car). The frame checksum failure probably happened when I started the car (forgot to press the stop icon, before I started the engine ). Do you think it works partially but it's not 100% yet? I didn't think I could datalog, if it was having suspend/resume command issues.