So I called Exergy when I was looking do to all this because I wanted to hear from the horse's mouth exactly what the difference was between the 50HP SAC BMS injectors for ~2400 and the 30% over stock injectors.

They told me that the 50 HP BMS injectors were untouched, new manufactured Bosch Marine injectors. Not flowed, or honed. Said I could get them honed for additional, and they would cost roughly the same as the 30% over stock injectors(~3100), but they would be more like 45% over since some material would have to be removed to hone them.

Since I just wanted perfect spray patterns, I went with new Bosch stock 325HP injectors, and they honed the tips 30% over and balanced them. I was in a time crunch, so they shipped a set they had completed on the shelf. If there had been more time, I would have ordered 15% over injectors to keep the size small and just have perfect spray patterns, which he also said they could do. I just couldn't afford the downtime on the truck while I waited.