I want my car to consistently shift at a certain speed and the WOT shift tables of kph and rpm are not giving this to me.

I am wondering if i can just disable the WOT upshift table by putting both to 100% and just use the speed setting at 100% in the part throttle table .....and if this will help me.

My current settings in performance mode have been
102kph and 5400rpm - but the car is not always changing below 6700rpm which is in the high 120s kph.

My part throttle settings at 87.5% 93.8% and 100%
have been 106 107.5 108.0 so maybe that is part of the problem.

I am racing in a major bracket race this week and want the car to consistently change at about 6300rpm which occurs with my converter at about 122kph.